Friday, April 22, 2022

Ugh — One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

 Today I am starting intermittent fasting — again.  I did it for four months and it was great — I didn’t eat sugar AT ALL and I didn’t eat between meals and I didn’t lose weight but I felt good.  I also did it one day at a time and didn’t look at the big picture — my big picture was THAT particular day.

I don’t know what happened — or how it happened — but a cookie jumped into my mouth and down the rabbit hole I went.  I am working to start over and today is the day.  

I am doing the 12:12 fasting plan which is recommended (by some unknown person/book) for a female my age.  It is pretty easy to do because I am asleep most of the time.  My eating window starts at 7 a.m. and ends at 7 p.m.  I am usually finished eating by 6 though because of our dinner schedule for my husband’s diabetes.  

I am also going to try to do more whole foods and less processed, more salads and less starches.  We eat out a lot and it really shouldn’t be a problem because you can get salads anywhere.  Maybe add a little salmon.  Yep, I can do that.

So, I have started out well and taking it one day at a time.  My goal is twofold — weight loss and less inflammation.  Wish me luck. Hopefully my joints will thank me.

My journaling has gone belly up — however, I will start it again today.  It might be useful with the fasting.  

Ok, enough of that.  

I was so taken with Williamsburg that I have been watching youtube videos of it — they are great—and I want to go back.  However, I have also had a yearning to go back to San Antonio.  It came to me this morning that it has been four years since I have been home.  I get homesick once in a while — less now that I have been gone for so long — but still, I think we need to make the perilous drive down I-35 before summer is out.

We have been worried about our fox family the last few days.  When I posted the pic of the babies playing in the ornamental grass that was the last of them for several days.  We even put out water because it has been pretty warm here — already 91 yesterday — but no foxes.  

Well, my phone pinged early this morning and lo and behold here it is

I wish he/she/they would come out during the day so I could capture the color.  With that said, our foxes are gray foxes and they don’t have that glorious red hue to their fur.  But, they are ours and we love them.  However, I wish they would come home, they are spending way too much time someplace else and I want to get a good look at the babies.   I keep wanting to leave out a dog biscuit or two but I get a resounding no from the hubs. So.,  Hmmmp.

Well, it is time to revisit the washing machine.  Such fun on a Friday.  And then I am going upstairs to revisit all the cross stitch stuff and I will take photos of the damage I did at Hobby Lobby yesterday.

Have a great Friday!


Kim said...

Good for you on the fasting restart! That's the nice thing about life. Tomorrow is always a new day with no mistakes in it, as Anne Shirley says. You can't get anywhere unless you move. So good luck with your plan! It does sound doable. I'd like to do some IF myself. Your 12:12 day sounds good.

So sorry the foxes moved. Is it normal for them to relocate frequently? Guess I could google that, huh? 😆

Hope you have a good weekend, my dear! 💖

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Kim! thanks! I am just doing one day at a time. So far so good today. I have whittled down the cookie intake to 50% which is a THING!! About the foxes — actually, they mate for life and they generally return to the same den they have used for their whole adulthood. Neighbors tell us that there have been foxes under our deck since the deck was built — whenever that was — so I assume these foxes are the same or at least offspring who were born and raised here. Their life span is about 6 years so I am sure these are third or fourth generation. I have learned a lot about foxes since we moved here 4 years ago!!! The gray foxes can climb trees too! They are fun once I got past being scared of them!

Kim said...

Very interesting! Thanks for the education. I have rarely seen a fox here, but I know they're around because I see it in the news when they find one with rabies from time to time. I hope your fox family returns. Maybe they're on vacation! 😂

Granny Marigold said...

I'm so glad you're not giving up but instead are determined to try again with the intermittent fasting and also cutting out goodies. It's sure not easy.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! Thanks for the kind words! I find that less sugar equals more energy and less brain fog. The good side of that is I tend to get more done. When I am on a sugar high I am very lethargic. And the intermittent fasting just makes sense — I keep telling myself I am not a cow, I don’t need to graze!!! Haha!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Kim! The foxes are fun and at first I really wanted them to leave because I was afraid of them. Now, however, I am finding myself worrying about them — my outdoor puppies! We had thunderstorms last night so they were no where to be found but at least the water bowl is filled again!

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