Saturday, May 07, 2022

Chickens Don’t Belong on Refrigerators!

 Yesterday was a very strange day for me.  I was just plodding through my day when something triggered some anxiety from the past.  I am not sure but I was left in a weepy meltdown for some unknown reason.  No need to go into details here, just leave it at skeletons sometimes jump out of the closets and that is what happened.  It pretty much ruined the rest of my day and sent me running to my mother-substitute-cousin to cry on her shoulder.  Unfortunately, I think I probably ruined her evening as well.  I apologize JLSHall.

Today, however, is another day.  I do feel like I have been dragged through the mud, partly because of the meltdown and partly because of my allergies, mostly the allergies.  I did decide, though, that I needed to get up and be productive.

It is Saturday and we had no real plans — well, at least I didn’t — and it is sort of a quiet, lazy day.  Hubs is procrastinating about cutting the back yard and I am really just puttering around.  I watched some youtube videos which is my new favorite thing to do.  I watched one on Chatham, MA and it was so lovely and relaxing — I would love to go there and just sit and watch the water.  I digress.

So, as I was watching this video and the lady was talking about going on visits to small towns and getting inspiration for her own home I started thinking about mine.  For the last couple of years I have been sort of sucked up into the “minimalist” movement.  I have never been a minimalist but I kept thinking that maybe getting rid of everything  would ease my troubled soul.  Well, it was never going to happen because my husband is NOT a minimalist and he is NOT one to just get rid of stuff Willy nilly.  But, as I watched this lady on the video it struck me (things have been striking me a LOT the last couple of days it seems) that I am in no way, shape or form a minimalist.  In my 50 years of married life we have never had any home that even slightly resembled Scandi or even mid-century modern.  We started out all Early American with all the kitschy stuff that went along with it and here we are, 50 years later with me still living with the EA and now a good deal of Mission style furniture and the reality is — I like it.  I like the decor.  I like the stuff sitting around.  I don’t really think my soul would be at all eased by a minimalist approach.  I think I would feel lost and probably quite guilty for ditching my stuff and I am very good at feeling guilty.

That brings me back to this morning.  I do not have an open floor plan house — after my last house I have decided I like a closed plan or at least a semi closed plan better which is good because that is what my current house is.  I do have a “counter” so to speak above my kitchen sink that opens a visual to the living area.  I have stuff on it to try to hide the dish drainer which we can’t seem to live without. I decided to do some tidying up of this counter and what did I find?  

Dirty chickens.

Now, these chickens came to live in our house a number of years ago when I fell in love with them at a furniture store.  They have names — Big Roo, Henny, and Baby Chick Dumpling.  When we moved here, in order to keep them out of harms way, I put them on the refrigerator and didn’t move them until a couple of months ago when we bought a new refrigerator.  I sat them on the counter.  Today I discovered they were gunky, greasy, sticky little chickens.

So, they got a bath.  I felt truly terrible that I had not taken very good care of my chickens.  Baby Chick Dumpling was not found of the spray soap, Henny was thrilled to finally get clean and I got a very admonishing look from Big Roo.  I did learn a lesson from this though.


So, here are the clean chickens.

Aren’t they shiny?

I also decided to freshen up the fake corner of the counter.  This includes fake ivy, fake succulents, and a fake bird.  I mean, why not.

The other end of the counter is full of family photos.  I could share those but part of my family prefers I not share photos.  

A also made a small purchase from Amazon.  I have a couple of copper lanterns that I bought for emergency lighting, to hold candles.  I have never used them for that and want to put them on the fireplace hearth with led candles.  I am pretty sure you won’t even realize they aren’t real candles.  I opted to buy the battery operated ones that have timers and can be programmed.  I think it will be nice to have a little light by the fireplace but I am not great with real candles, especially on the hearth, because Trixie likes to get up there and sleep.  Or bury bones.  I don’t know — I am not a dog.  I have enough trouble with my own brain/thinking — much less trying to think like a dog.

So, that has been my morning. It was more productive than I thought because I woke up feeling a big off — well, a lot off — and my joints were so bad I had to have Excedrin for breakfast.  I have been trying to do without it and have done ok for a couple of days but that wasn’t going to happen today.  I blame our very strange weather — it is even strange for Texas — and it does seem to really affect my joints.

Maybe I will find another small project to work on.  I will share photos of the lanterns when the candles come tomorrow.  I am anxious to see how they work on the timers.  Who knew?

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