Friday, May 20, 2022

There, I Did It Again —

Sounds like a song but yes, I did.  I fell again.  Tuesday morning. This time, instead of tripping over the dog I tripped over the vacuum cleaner that was not put away properly — my bad.  

I don’t really know how it happened, I must have run my foot into the head which was sticking out in the doorway, and I could feel myself going.  I was trying to protect the arm I broke last year and in doing so I managed to fall on the vacuum, which was standing up, hitting my ribs and apparently I hit my hand on the wall.

I was terrified.  I screamed for 10 minutes before my husband came in and noticed me.  I had to scoot out of the laundry room on my bum to get to a chair in the breakfast area so I could get up.  That is when I realized my foot was hurting really badly and I couldn’t stand on it.  Now, how my foot got involved I really don’t know — but it bore the brunt although my side is still hurting some — I think I pulled a muscle because I have no sore spots, no bruising - I didn’t even have a red mark right after it so i don’t think I broke anything but I do think I pulled a muscle.  My foot is another story.  It didn’t do anything all day — it didn’t get red, or bruise or show any signs of trauma until much later and a little knot came up on the top of my foot where my toes meet my foot.  Later it swelled some and bruised.  I iced it and kept it elevated only limping around when necessary.  By yesterday the bruising was gone and so was the swelling but it still hurts.  And here I sit under the ice pack again.  Ugh.

So, what have I been doing when I am not on ice?  I have been stitching.  And reading.  Now I am exploring podcasts.  The concept is new to me and I am not finding a lot of interest but I am going to explore some more.

Thursday nights are good TV nights for us.  We watch PBS a good deal and Thursdays gives us Midsomer and Poirot.  We have seen all the Poirots many times but they never get old.  So, Miss Trixie likes to go to bed at 9 p.m.  Well, that is all fine and good until there is something I want to watch on tv that interferes with her bedtime.  So, I was sitting in my new recliner stitching and she was standing on the floor barking at me to do SOMETHING!  It was clear she wanted to go to bed and I didn’t so I had to get out of my comfy recliner and sit on the sofa with her while I stitched and watched Poirot.  

I took advantage of the moment to snap this photo —

My stitching buddy!  I posted it on a FB cross stitch group and another lady posted a photo of HER stitching buddy and it could have been the same dog!  Hilarious.

I keep forgetting I have a tv in the bedroom — we rarely use it and I guess I could go in there with the dog and continue watching but — well, I will have to think about that.

We slept in this morning which is rare for us.  We didn’t get up until almost 8 a.m.  That never happens.  I think I was just so comfy that the thought of starting the day just didn’t hold much appeal.  Except, of course, to check the blink camera to see what went on on the deck last night.  Well, after several nights of virtually no activity, there was a block party going on in my back  yard!

Fox #1 — I think Fiona
Fox #2 — I believe Finnegan
The cat — Oompa Loompa — that strolls though from time to time

Not sure what this is but I think it is the black and white cat that comes to visit once in a while.

What concerns me is that they were all running.  From what?  Each other?  I don’t know but it gets really active out there sometimes.  I am surprised the scraggly possum didn’t show up — that is always fun because the foxes don’t seem to care if it is there or not.  Now, one night the fox and Oompa Loompa met up on the deck and had a bit of a showdown — oddly the cat won.  Who knew!  So, I don’t know, it is Friday night —- no telling what might happen — I just hope if there is beer they clean up their mess.

I am still reading “To Be Where You Are” by Jan Karon.  I love her books so I am in no hurry to get done with it since this is the last in the Mitford series.  It will be like saying goodby to an old friend.  

Well, I was going to bake some brownies but I have no mix so I am going to have to dig up the recipe from the cocoa can and go with that.  They are better anyway and not much trouble so I guess I should get busy as the oven has let me know it is heated.  

More later — please pray I don’t fall anymore. Especially on my poor arthritic toes!


Granny Marigold said...

As someone who has been known to trip on her own feet you have my sincere sympathy. Good thing you didn't break any bones. You were lucky.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you, GM! I don’t think I broke anything but I am still sore and my toes are suspect but I think I am ok — just don’t bounce back as ell as I used to. Who am I kidding, I used to be able to stay up on my feet!


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...