Friday, November 18, 2022

And Again — Another Update

 Yesterday was my second negative covid test.  My first was 48 hours prior.  So, Hubs and I have both had two negative tests within the prescribed period of time so, according to all protocols, we should be able to resume life as usual.

That is just dandy that we can resume life without spreading this dread disease around but it really doesn’t address things from the patients viewpoint.

Hubs has been “okay” — still runny nosed, still coughing a bit and still congested in his chest a tiny bit.  He seems to have enough energy to go out and leave treats for the outside puppies but he says he isn’t “100%”.  I hear that.  

Yesterday was the first day that I can actually say I felt normal with some energy and minimal symptoms.

Today I can’t hear out of my left ear.

And on we go.  When they say it takes awhile — they mean it — whoever “they” is. 

So, on that note, I am going to finish this lovely cup of hot coffee and then haul myself upstairs to try to fix my sewing machine.  I have been sewing on Girl Scout patches with invisible thread which is the meanest thing known to man — it curls and stretches and gets all tangled up inside the machine.  I have a patch that has to be attached with it and so I have to fix it.  I hope my patience has recovered or this could be nasty.

And they said we could have snow.

Good grief.


Granny Marigold said...

Working with that difficult thread sounds like a pain. I hope you managed to fix your sewing machine. And, I hope both of you feel 100% soon. I hope your weekend holds some pleasant times.

Granny Marigold said...

I'm not sure if my comment went through. I'll check later.

Pom Pom said...

My sewing machine gets mad when I sew on paper. I hope you get yours up and running for those badges! I'm glad you are feeling better!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...