Tuesday, January 10, 2023

One Day at a Time — Day 10 — New Amsterdam

For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake.

Today was a slow day.  We ran errands early, had lunch, watched our soap opera, took a nap and picked up the Bean.  She was with us a little longer today because mommy had cookie duty this afternoon. 
Bean was so proud of herself — they had to run a mile in 19 minutes in PE and she did it in 16 minutes AND she beat the boyfriend and his friend.  She was on cloud nine!
We have been watching “New Amsterdam” since it began and tonight is the finale.  I will be sorry to see it go but I am looking forward to the two hour show tonight.
The weather has been gorgeous but supposedly we are going to have a cold front.  I like mild winters.
Today has not been a blog worthy day so I will leave you with this to be cheery!

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