Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Today is Friday the 13th — I have never bought into all the superstitious mumbo jumbo so it is just another day to me. Today is, however, the day of Bean’s first school dance! She is dressing up in 90’s grunge attire. She is such a pretty little girl that I really wish the fashion trends would shift. So unattractive! Anyway…
Today I am going to try to recreate a blog prompt that I used to do a LONG time ago where I answer questions about myself — I quit doing this because I am certainly a creature of habit and not much changed so it just got boring but since I can’t really remember the questions and I am going to have to wing it, it might be more interesting. Doubt it but we will see. So, here we go….
What am I wearing? I have on my usual uniform of jeans, sneaks and a button up shirt — pink and white stripe. I have on the jewelry I always have on — a crucifix with an amethyst bead and my Daughters of the Holy Cross cross. And my new Fitbit tracker which is pink and black.
What did I have for breakfast? Oatmeal and blueberries. Same. Thing. Every. Day. Blah
What am I reading? Christmas in the Little Irish Village. It started off slow but it is picking up. Hopefully I will be finished before the beginning of Lent! If not, my goodreads challenge will already be a bust!
What am I working on? In cross stitch I am working on the Governers Palace that I purchases last year in Colonial Williamsburg. You might be wondering why it it has taken me so long to get on with this project and I will tell you — I keep putting it down to finish other things. However, today I am putting it down to sew more Girl Scout patches on the massive Girl Scout blanket. That is the first thing on my to do list today.
What do I hear? It is quiet right now, I only hear a few cars on the street behind my house. I hear my husbands desk chair squeaking and the dog padding around in the kitchen. And the keys on my keyboard!
What am I watch on tv these days? Actually the only thing I watch regularly is my soap opera, Days of Our Lives. I do watch lots of PBS and since almost everything is going to streaming these days I am exploring lots of streaming channels on my Roku. At the present, Bean has me watching Manifest. I didn’t like it when I first tried to watch it but it is pretty good now — maybe it is just who I am watching it with!
Ok, that is enough about me — I will try to find a formula for this blog prompt because this was pretty boring. See you tomorow!
Oatmeal and blueberries sound good to me. I have toast and coffee every morning. Except tomorrow youngest son is coming for pancakes with blueberry sauce. That will make a change.
I have overnight oats everyday. For the past four days it has had fresh blueberries on it!
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