O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. Psalm 130:7
I finished my first book for my Goodreads 2023 Challenge. Since I usually read cozy mysteries, I decided to begin with a different genre — young adult. Now, I have read some YA stuff before and found all the dystopian themes to be a bit depressing but I ran across a little romance.
It started out slow and in my mind I thought this is going to be a very boring romance but it picked up nicely and flowed well. It appealed to my sensibility because it involved dancing and I danced when I was a young girl. It also contained several scenarios that we can probably all identify with, painfully, such as crushing on the wrong boy. I know I can relate to that!
It was romantic, it was relatable, it was clean, it was a good read and I recommend. I believe it is part of a series so I may try another. We will see but this one didn’t disappoint and I am glad I started my challenge with it.
Yesterday I received my package from Hoop and Frame containing the twill tape I need to wrap my hoop. I will be wrapping this morning. I am anxious to re-start the piece I was working on before the Stranger Things piece— the governors mansion in Colonial Williamsburg. I started again the other night, trying to stitch in hand, but it wasn’t working so I put it back on my q-snap and that wasn’t working either — too bulky and awkward. So, I am hoping the new hoop is just what I need. I will post a photo when I am done.
I am supposed to start taking glucosamine but I don’t want to take it. I bought the vegan variety because of a shellfish allergy but it seems that there are issues with glucosamine altogether. It can cause glaucoma. It can make the joint issues worse! And I don’t need “worse”. So I am going to look at turmeric. And walk.
I received my new Fitbit yesterday so I will be counting steps. Maybe that will help.
That is the wrist I broke so it doesn’t really look normal anymore but anyway, that is the new Fitbit.
So, that is what today holds. I need to finish some laundry I started, put on a pot of soup and wrap the hoop!
Have a wonderful Saturday, all!
Yes, I have also read about the effects of Glucosamine on eye pressure. I hope the turmeric works for you.
I used to take glucosamine so I don’t know why I am so cautious but I have read in more than one place that people over sixty shouldn’t take it — I am still thinking about it.
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