Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dizzy Darlin’

 Hi, all!  I am back.  Did you even know I was gone?  Well, I was.  What was I doing you might ask?  Well, I was taking care of my dizzy husband.  Not dizzy as in looney, dizzy as in room spinning.

Two weeks ago this Thursday I had to take him to the ER for a case of vertigo.  It isn’t his first rodeo.  And, it doesn’t appear to be serious except for the fall risk.  It does have to do with impacted ear wax.


He has always had an issue with it, from childhood, but this time he has chosen to ignore it for an extended period and now we have a PROBLEM — the problem being that the ER did nothing about it, our family doctor did nothing about it and it seems that it takes an act of God to get an appointment with an ENT and they are all rude.  So, I have an appointment, they were rude, not sure how it is going to go but if they get his ear fixed we can move on to another ENT closer to our house which is what I intend to do.

So, in the meantime I have been decluttering and reading.

I read “The Echoes of Old Books”.  It started slowly, got better with time and ended up being a good read. However the “echoes’ part was minuscule and irrelevant.  I expected ghosts.  There were none.  They need to change the title and take out the two or so references to “echoes”.  It wouldn’t matter.

I then read “Betsy-Tacy”, a children’s series that my daughter read as a child, is re-reading as an adult and my granddaughter has read.  I enjoyed it but it took me longer than I thought it would.  However, now I am into the series — the next being “Betsy, Tacy and Tib”.  I recommend this series — rather like “Little House on the Prairie” or “Pollyanna”.  

Today I am getting a new exerciser to try.  It is called “The Scoop”.  It is like a pedaler but goes side to side instead.  It is supposed to do everything a conventional pedal machine does but more because the movement is lateral.  I am hoping it will help my ailing hip.  We will see.  I just know I need to do something because I have too many aches and pains.  However, I will say, with Dizzy sort of down for the count, I have been much more active (I just hauled the garbage cans in) and I am feeling a difference so there is hope.

That is all my news so you have a wonderful Tuesday, dear friends.  Hopefully after Thursday and our doctor visit I will have a bit more time to myself to visit. I will let you know!

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Oh no! Well, at least you know it's earwax. I hope the ENT can help. Sometimes they can extract a lot of wax and the relief is wonderful!

Reels, Realization and Reminisences

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