Sunday, August 27, 2023

Entertainment in the Time of Extreme Heat

 Anybody who listens to just a bit of a newscast knows that the summer in Texas, this year, has been brutal.  I am not an outdoorsy person anyway but this triple digit heat has made doing anything outside impossible.  This heat has also made my arthritis much worse which is very odd I think but it seems to be a “thing”.

So, we have been watching lots of television.  I have wanted to watch the Taylor Sheridan series “1883” and “1923”.  I don’t have Paramount+ streaming however and didn’t really want to subscribe so I just ordered the DVD sets for both.  “1883” was outstanding, although a bit, uh, gory, but it was well worth the time.  We are just about done with “1923” which has been just as good — Helen Mirren makes a fantastic Cara Dutton.  She is the only actress I can name that makes getting older look really good.  

So, now we will start “Yellowstone” which is what started these prequels.  I have tried to watch it but never got past the first episode.  I am hoping that now with this background I will be more successful.  

We need something to watch because the networks don’t have much to offer these days.

When I am not watching one of these programs I am watching “Heartland” on youtube as recommended by my cousin.  It is a contemporary “western” about a family that owns a horse farm and a young teenager that “heals” broken horses.  It is really good and I am enjoying it as well — there are 16 seasons and I am in the middle of Season 2 so it should last me awhile.  

I am reading a really slow book called “The Second Chance Store”.  The concept is clever but there is just something not grabbing me.  Great cover though.

So, off to church.  Have a wonderful Sunday all.


Granny Marigold said...

There's next to nothing worth watching on TV and I'm rarely able to sit through a movie ( DVD).
I get restless and wander off. Soon we should notice temperatures getting less hot. That will be wonderful.
Have a good week. GM

Boyett-Brinkley said...

oh, I know! I am constantly watching reruns of 25 year old sitcoms! I can’t sit through a movie either, my mind won’t stay still. And I refuse to watch the news anymore either so… is kind of sad.

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...