Monday, September 18, 2023

Right Here Right Now

 I enjoy doing these memes even though not much ever changes but here we go —

What I am wearing — shorts and a tee.  Yes, still shorts weather here

What I am reading — ‘“The Cafe at Amelia Island” — it is the second book in the Seven Sisters series.  Nice little, easy read books.

What is happening in my kitchen — Hubs preparing oatmeal and berries for breakfast and in a little while I am going to put a pork tenderloin in the oven.  I have been trying to cook this pork for two days now and something is always delaying it.

What is outside my window — The sun peeking through the trees on a crisp autumn morning.  It is nice outside this morning and I took a few extra minutes out there when I took the dog out.  Supposedly by Wednesday Second Summer is going to return so I wanted to enjoy the feel of Fake Fall

What I am thankful for — waking up this morning, my family, my church family, pretty much living in perpetual gratitude — I am even thankful for the Trixster! Who, by the way, has a wonky hair cut — she is a work in progress

What I am smelling — nothing — allergies you know

What I am hearing — the microwave running, Hubs clanking dishes, running water

What I am crafting — nothing right now.  I did go upstairs and get my cross stitch project but here it sits next to me with no progress.  I am sorry to say, the lure of scrolling through the internet gets me everytime.  I think I am going to have to start limiting my time online

What is on my mind — Well, I have been thinking about meal planning and prep, so far I am good with Taco Tuesday!

Words to live by —-


Billie Jo said...

Taco Tuesday sounds great! Have a cozy evening!

Granny Marigold said...

So trimming Trixie didn't go quite as planned?

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Billie Jo! Yes, Taco Tuesday is the one meal I can always get my head around. Growing up in Texas, we always had Enchilada Wednesday in the school cafeteria and those old habits really die hard — my husband and I are always seeking Mexican food on Wednesday!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

HI, Granny — WELL — actually nothing went as planned that day but I did get some trimming done and I have decided it is just a work in progress. She is really good about me messing about with her but I have a bad back and after about 15 minutes I have to give it a rest. So, yeah, I guess that is going to be an ongoing story!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...