Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Power of Words

 I have always been a reader, dreamed of being a writer, and am an advocate of the literary arts.  I love words and the power they hold — they can influence, they can paint beautiful mental pictures that speak to your soul, they can take you away to different places, make you think and…they can entertain.

I really love to connect with my granddaughter, age 13.  She is fortunate/unfortunate enough to have a phone so this school year I have been sending her a text every morning — well, most mornings.  They might be inspirational or meaningful or they might be humorous — they might just be a picture of some sort.  She responds to the messages so I know she sees them.  Do they touch her?  I don’t know but everything I send her touches me.

So, today, not feeling especially philosophical, I decided to go for the lighthearted and playful.  Here is the word offering for today


And because I am REALLY in the mood for autumn and, even though Halloween isn’t my favorite holiday, a little of spooky season might be nice —

So, today brings us to flu shot day.  We were in the doctors office yesterday and our little doctor said he wants us to get a flu shot, a covid shot, a pneumonia shot and a shingles vaccine.  Just not all at the same time.  So, guess what we are going to be doing for the next couple of weeks!  He said to space them a few days apart so I am thinking one a week for the next month!  Sounds like fun! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday all! 


Granny Marigold said...

You poor girl, all those shots will no doubt result in some uncomfortable days. Be sure to rest a LOT in between shots.
I like the mathemachicken. ( hope I spelled that right)

Frugally challenged said...

Yup, I had all those shots within a month a couple of years ago! Have fun!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! At least it gives me something to do for the next month! haha!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Mary! Well we went today to get the flu shot and the pharmacist convinced us to get the pneumonia with it so we did. Then she told us that they were low on covid and it would take awhile to get more and then she explained all the horrors of the shingle vaccine. Such fun!

Angela said...

I've had the pneumonia (that's a one off) my flu jab is booked. Covid one will be soon. Can't have my shingles till I'm 70. We will all have arms like pincushions

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Angela! I didn’t want to take more than one at a time but I was assured taking the flu and pneumonia together would be find so I went ahead. I want to wait about a week before the covid but, sadly, they are running out. Here they recommend the shingles at 50 and that is the one I am a little concerned about because it is a two shot thing and she told me that one of them will make you sick — she can’t say which one because it is different for all people but you will react to one. Something to look forward to! Yes, pincushion arms!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...