Thursday, September 28, 2023


 A blog friend, Billlie Jo, shared the poem “Trees” in my comments yesterday about poetry.  It is a lovely poem, one of my favorites, but then I have a “thing” for trees.

I have always loved trees, I never knew why, now as I am older and more knowledgeable of my family history I think it might have to do with my Celtic heritage — oak trees, you know, are quite important to Celtic lore.

But, whatever, the reason I have always been attracted to trees.  I love to watch the colors change in the autumn - and even now some of the trees are turning golden.  Those of us who live here know it is not the changing season but rather the intense heat we have had but it paints a lovely picture nonetheless.

I have commented in the past about how I would love to be able to draw — this is not a long reaching goal, I have only come to this realization in the last few years.  When I was in school it never occurred to me to take an art class but now, with a view that hindsite often give us, I wish I had.  

And one of the things I would love to be able to draw is — yes, you guessed it — a tree.

 This is an attempt from a few years ago — clearly I am not siting straight — or maybe it is a tree that experiences a lot of wind and has become leaning.   It looks like an autumn tree to me — no leaves and a bit spooky.  Perhaps I should add a pumpkin or a squirrel?  Hmm.. I don’t know but I do know that I will continue to try until I produce a tree that is pleasing to MY eye and actually looks like a tree.

I discovered the photo above on Pinterest a few days back — it contained several of my favorite elements — a tree, a fox and the moon.  I also liked the sentiment, very comforting for those days that are just “too much”

And how about this one?  Such a cozy little Hobbit type house — maybe a new style of “tiny” house? I wonder how that would rent out as an airbnb?  Probably popular.

And here is the giant oak tree in our back yard.  It is quite old and very large — it feeds the squirrels with its acorns and is the home to a red headed woodpecker.  It provides shade as well feeding into my tree “thing” — it was one of the perks of buying this house.  

So,  yes, trees — we need them in our lives == what would life be without our trees?  Do you have a favorite? 











Billie Jo said...

Hello!!!! Love this! Your backyard tree is majestic. Yes. That is the word! The tree you drew reminds me of a tree in my neighbor's backyard when I was young. My sisters and I would play on it with our neighbor, Ronnie. Thanks for the memories, my friend!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Billy Jo! So glad you dropped by! Thank you for the kind words — yes, our oak tree is majestic — I like that word. It has been cut on in the past so the shape isn’t as lovely as it could be but it is just so big that it is awesome to me. Glad you like my drawing — I appreciate it.

Granny Marigold said...

I like your trees...the one you drew and the one in your back yard.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you Granny! The one in the backyard is lovely and I never get a good photo of it — I will try again when the leaves start turning. My art? Well, thank you, you are too kind!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...