Monday, October 09, 2023

And He Shall Be Called Skippy

 Summer has come and gone and it looks like our fox family is moving on.  At one point we had four, a mom and three babes.  Now we have one consistently and another occasionally.  That is their pattern though, they stay through mating season and while they are rearing their young and then, when the babes are big enough to fend for themselves they scatter.

Our neighbors have fed them for the last couple of years but I am not sure they are still doing that.  We put out dog treats every night for them - one each (total 4) but the truth is whoever gets there first gets it all.

I have been following a FB group (yes, I know, I said no more groups after the Great Hacking of 2023) called Everything fox.  The folks posting on there are showing how they feed their foxes so I decided to be adventurous last night.

I added an egg — whole, uncooked — to the dog biscuits.  I put them all on the little table and waited.

Well, I wasn’t disappointed.  Early in the evening Skippy, as I am now calling him, came for his biscuit and he was a bit surprised to find an egg sitting there.

He sniffed it and walked around it and finally nudged it with his nose.

That was not a good idea because it rolled off the table and broke on the deck.  But, he jumped down and ate it anyway.  Then he finished off the dog biscuits.

Photo 3
Photo 2
Photo 1

Hmmm……they loaded backwards.  Well, just go from the bottom to the top.  You will have to click on them to enlarge them but you can see the egg and the smashing of the egg.

So, tonight I am going to take him an egg but put it in that stainless dog dish that is under the table.  Maybe he will just pick it up and run with it like some of the videos show.  Another thing they seem to love is jam sandwiches.  I will have to think about that one.

Maybe I will have some more exciting photos tomorrow.

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