Thursday, October 12, 2023

Back to the Business of Cross Stitch

 One of the things I like to buy as a souvenir when I travel is a cross stitch pattern or kit relevant to the place I am visiting.  

One such kit was the lovely bookmark I purchased at the Westminster Abbey gift store back in 2005. It was a lovely project — the Aida fabric has a silky finish to it, the felt backing was thin and fine and the threads were top quality.  I have toted this bookmark around with me since I finished it.  I even reproduced it for a friend but the materials I used locally weren’t as fine as the ones in the kit.

So, a couple of years ago we took a trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.  We tend to visit historically significant places and they all touch me but no place has touched me like Williamsburg.  I had a lot of trouble hobbling around with my sore knee but the kind folks at the park provided many benches for those of us who needed to sit (and there were a LOT of us) and I enjoyed sitting and just feeling the history around me.  But, I had to find the needlework area to purchases a kit of some sort.

I sent my daughter and husband off looking for the proper shop — I would catch up later — and they did find it and I did catch up and I was totally in awe of what the shop had to offer.  I don’t remember which shop it was but it had all manner of reproduction fabrics for period clothing and bedding and such.  I have long since abandoned quilting because I find it difficult with arthritis so I wasn’t interested in purchasing the fabric but I was so excited to find several cross stitch kits.

I settled on this one —

The vibrant colors spoke to me and the fabric included is similar in silliness to the bookmark fabric.

So, I started and put it away for various reasons and now I want to begin again and here is where I am.

And what a mess —

So when picking up cross stitch again after breaking my arm I realized that due to loss of use in my left hand (20-25% loss of usage) I was having difficulty using a q-snap.  It was bulky, awkward and heavy so I decided to do some stitching in hand.  It was better than the q-snap but I discovered that trying to keep the fabric tension my hand was getting really tired and achy.

As a result I started looking at traditional hoops.  I settled on this one from Hoop and Frame out of Austin, Texas

I even bought the fancy schmancy French made twill tape to wrap the inner hoop.  It was so lush!  So, now I am ready to get back to it.  

Part of the reason I put it aside was to do some little pieces for my granddaughter’s room — 

Those pieces were done from patterns I bought as pdf patterns and stitched using my iPad.  This Williamsburg piece is a paper pattern in four pages and I am considering taking a picture, putting it in GoodNotes and stitching without the paper.  I seriously hope I don’t have any problem getting back into the pattern because I really want to finish this one before I start anything else and yet……I am still collecting patterns!  I think that is just part of the joy of it!

That is what I am doing today. I got up this morning, took the Trixster for a walk using a new, short walking leash — hoping there would be less tripping — yeah, not so much. 

I then turned on the tv to catch up on the most recent dreadful news and then set about making lunch.  I roasted a chicken yesterday to have for a couple of days and supplemented with baked potatoes, salad and yellow squash.  We are “lunch” eaters so I have the kitchen mostly cleaned up, planned dinner for Skippy our resident fox and have been messing with the cross stitch.  

It has been a good day — fall was definitely here this morning, my husband cut the grass and it has just been a slow, easy day.


Granny Marigold said...

Working on cross stitch can be so relaxing. I like the one you made for your Granddaughter.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! Yes it can = once I get the thread untangled! Hahah! Those that I made for my granddaughter were from the DC comic movies and from the tv show “Stranger Things”. That was her “thing” last year. They were fun.

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...