Thursday, October 26, 2023


 Today is grooming day for Trixie.  I tried to do it myself on Sunday but after giving Her Wigglyness a bath and trying to run the clippers over her my back gave out and I had to sit still the rest of the day after a nice dose of excedrin and some aspercreme.

The last two times we took her to the groomer she usually goes to she came home injured so we decided they weren’t a good fit anymore.  After the attempt to do it myself was an epic fail, we accepted the recommendation of Grandpuppy Olive to visit her stylist, Alexis, at the ever-so-chic Petco in the new Presidio Junction shopping center.

So, off we go, thankful the rain has stopped.  They said it was going to rain but our rain gauge was full to the top and we got over 5” of rain last night.  I digress

Trixie did fine going in — she upset the giant apricot poodle in line in front of us and then she decided to peruse the doggie Halloween costumes.  I think she liked the bumble bee one.  I am not sure if she will be getting one this year — maybe just a nice toy.  Or some treats.  Anyway.

I had to leave straightaway because I was having a back spasm so we headed home.  I don’t usually photograph things I see outside which is a shame because there is some dang funny stuff out there.

Like this —

You will have to expand it to see their rates on the lower right side of the van - very clever!

Have a great day, all!


Granny Marigold said...

Thanks for the chuckle!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! You are welcome! I thought it was clever.

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...