Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I Said I Wasn’t Going to —— But I did

 You know, I think there is such a thing as Pinterest shame.  Since the great FB Hacking of 2023 I have been visiting Pinterest more and I have to say it is overwhelming.  I don’t like to decorate seasonally except for Christmas and even then my participation has gotten less and less.  So, to decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving just isn’t on my radar at all.

Well, until now.

My daughter was saying that the decor in her neighborhood was really cute this year and that I should drive through the neighborhood and partake in all the visual autumn deliciousness.  I haven’t done that yet but I did decide to go to Michaels and see what they had.  Now, be kind and bear in mind that this isn’t my cup of tea so I did the best I could.

We have had some blue pots on the porch for 5 years and they went with our previous home but not this one — our previous home had cool color brick and this house has warm color brick and it just doesn’t go so I told the Hubs the blue pots had to go back on the deck.  We had some terracotta pots back there but they were smaller so I needed some sort of plant stands to just raise it all up a bit.  So yesterday we went to Lowe’s and acquired said plant stands.

Oh, our Lowe’s has a store cat == a gorgeous, small tuxedo girl names Lois — a play on Lowe’s.  I didn’t think to get a picture — next time.  She lives there.  Sorry, getting off track.

Anyway, I came home and put it together and went back today and got more and added to it.  Thank goodness for Michael’s 60% off sale!  I won’t decorate for Halloween because I am not a big fan of Halloween, although I do like the spooky feeling of the season but I think decorating for autumn is more my style — if I had a style.  So, anyway, here are some pics of my efforts -  I think you can see that the terracotta pots go better than the blue.   So, happy Autumn from Fox Hollow at Prairie Court!  


Granny Marigold said...

I'm not a fan of Halloween either but I like to do a bit of decorating for Fall. Not a single house other than ours have I seen in the neighbourhood with so much as a pumpkin in front or an Autumn wreath on the door. I think your displays on either side of the front door look great. You may even inspire others in your neighbourhood. Who knows.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! Yes, Halloween is here and gone too quickly. Decorating for fall means you can leave it up for longer. There is one house down the street that has kids and they usually do something and then one other house has a few things but for the most part nobody does much. I am going to keep the planters and pots out there and just repurpose as the seasons change. I have to use artificial stuff out there because otherwise real stuff would die because I would forget about it! I am so bad at this! Haha!

Billie Jo said...

It looks beautiful! You did great!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Billie Jo! Thanks!

Pom Pom said...

Ha! I like the pots! I am more in the mood for Christmas decorating than fall, but today I went to World Market because I had a gift card, thinking I would buy Christmas-y stuff. Well, I don't like that "make the most of the gift card" feeling so I bought a dress! I am glad that I didn't bring more decor into our already "thing-y" house. I WOULD walk Trix if I could but she'd trip me, too. LOL!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom - I am with you, I am not a seasonal decorator but the cool weather was making me see orange and gold so I jumped in. However, I plan to use the same things for Christmas and swap out the fall flowers for poinsettas (that I already have) and the pumpkins for something Christmas-y — I would have bought the dress too! In fact, I was looking at the World Market website just yesterday — we have one close and I haven’t been there in forever but the ad was all about their candy! Yikes! I don’t need that!

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...