Thursday, October 05, 2023

Stewardship Dinner

 As I mentioned yesterday, our church has an annual dinner for fellowship and to discuss stewardship for the year.  It is held at a well-known Mexican restaurant called Joe T. Garcia’s.  The main restaurant started as a small house and was expanded over the years to include larger dining rooms and a huge, well planted garden — very impressive.  The photos are all copyrighted and I didn’t get pics of the garden so here is the website if you are curious.

The restaurant also acquired a small building, I think maybe an old church, across the street that they call “La Puertita” — the Chapel.  This venue is used for special events — quite popular with the wedding crowd.  

I am not familiar with the origin of this building but it has been there the whole time we have lived here which is 33 years.  It is really a nice place and I have been there before for DAR events.

We were supposed to have the dinner outside on the patio in the garden but the threat of rain turned us inside.  I was sort of happy about it because the mosquitos have been eating me alive and I really don’t care for mosquito repellant.  

I did take a couple of photos of the interior to share — so here it is — La Puertita — and food

It was lovely, albeit noisy, and we managed to have our dinner/fellowship before the rain hit! It was a good night.


Granny Marigold said...

That Mexican restaurant looks like a very nice place. Good that you didn't have to put up with mosquitoes!! Have a great day 🧡

Billie Jo said...

What a lovely place for a good dinner! And I agree. I strongly dislike mosquitoes, but I dislike repellent even more! Have a cozy evening. And I love your puppy header!

Angela said...

I react very badly to insect bites, and I'm always nervous about eating outside in the evening. I'm. Glad you had a good time. Fellowship Suppers are really good events, especially for singles who usually eat alone.

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...