Monday, October 30, 2023

Trixie’s Vet Visit

 We went to the vet for Trixie’s follow up.  Her UTI is not gone so more antibiotics.  Her allergies are raging irritating everything possible, her ears, eyes, paws and the allergies could be part of the UTI.  

So, she got more meds, an allergy shot, I have to start her on Claritin and I am wiping her down every evening to try to reduce the amount of allergens on her body.

She goes back in two weeks.

She does have the early stage of a collapsing trachea so I have to find a groomer that doesn’t use the loop around her neck.  OR…..I can sedate her prior to the appointment.  I will talk to Petco or I need to find  an independent groomer.  



Granny Marigold said...

Poor Trixie. I wish the news had been better.

Sandi said...

Oh...hope she feels better. There seem to be lots of people allergies these days too. I wonder if dogs are allergic to the same things.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Sandi — it seems that is what the vet said — what bothers us can bother them. I have allergies so I feel bad for her

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...