Monday, November 13, 2023

All The Light We Cannot See

 Trixie says Good Morning!

Today we have yet another followup vet appointment and I have to say something is making Trixie a different dog.  Lots of changes have been happening so I am not sure what is the reason for her improvement but she has definitely improved.  Her allergies are better — thank you allergy shot and daily Claritin — I believe her UTI is better and she is very spunky which I attribute to her new diet.  We have put her on Farmer’s Dog (no, this isn’t a commercial) and have put her on a strict eating schedule which seems to be working well for us — for her?  Eh, she is having a temper tantrum as I write this because I won’t give her a treat until she eats her breakfast.  Just like a toddler.  Hopefully the vet appointment will go well because I don’t want to have to check her for kidney or bladder stones — sounds surgical and expensive.  I will let you know.

Last night we watched “All the Light You Cannot See”.  I added it to my movie list although I think it is a made for tv mini series.  I am not a fan of overly graphic, violent movies and this falls squarely into that category.  However, it was a great movie.  The story line was unusual and engaging.

Do I recommend?  Yes, with reservation.  For people like me that graphics and noise might be a bit too much but is it worth the distress, yes, I think it is.  I know a lot of folks have read the book — I probably won’t because I like my reading to be light and not require a lot of though (Haha, I am such a lazy moo).  However, it has received rave reviews and I would imagine it is a good read.

So, Off to the vet, I will let you know how it goes!  Have a great Monday.


Granny Marigold said...

Oh good! Trixie is feeling better.

Billie Jo said...

Trixie, you are adorable!!!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! Yes, Trixie is on the mend! So thankful because a punk puppy is no fun!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Billie Jo — Thank you! She is a cutie patootie!

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