Thursday, November 09, 2023

Movies Part 2

 The weather has turned here and it is finally feeling more fallish — well, except for the few days we had of “fake fall”.  This is more like real fall — temperatures dropping, rain falling, the urge to nest hard to ignore.

The Christmas decor is going up all over the place which is too early in my opinion but it does make your think about the upcoming month and what to do.

One of the best ideas I have seen for those with children is to gift the children with twenty five books on the first day of Advent to be enjoyed through the season.  A great way to count down the days.  For me, I like to plan and watch a movie a day.  A seasonal movie that is.  I don’t limit it to Hallmark movies either, I like some of the old stuff and love to snuggle in with a cuppa and just go back in time.

When I was a little girl, we spent Christmas Eve with my mother’s family, rotating each year between families so each family hosted once every four years.  In the beginning there were four of us granddaughters but in 1960 we were blessed with number 5 so there was always somebody to talk to or play with or confide in.  It was a lovely time — even when my young cousin decided to enjoy the “adult” egg nog and eat every black olive in the house — let it suffice to say that her Christmas Day wasn’t so grand!  My advice is just make sure your kiddo is drinking the UN-adulterated nog because 3 year olds with a little too much of the spirit isn’t a good thing!

But, at the end of each celebration we would return to our own homes, don our brand new Christmas pajamas and head to bed so Santa could come.

Well, except for me.  I had to stay up and watch “The Bells of St. Mary’s”.  Every year.  It came on after the 10 pm news.  AND, as if that wasn’t enough, my little Catholic heart housed in my little Protestant body had to watch midnight mass.  

I think back about my mother almost pleading with me to go to bed — I am sure those are the years that Santa needed help assembling something — a doll house comes to mind.  I finally crashed and I am sure she did too because I remember the doll house being assembled on Christmas Day.

Ah, the things we remember.

But, those days are long past — now we get to choose when we watch our favorite Christmas/Holiday fare.  The streaming world has made it much easier for those parents who have weird children like me — well, except for midnight mass — but, unfortunately, this old girl can’t stay up for it anymore!  I fall asleep no matter where I am, like during the debates last night.  Sorry, I digress.

So, my first Christmas movie will be “Love Actually”.  I just really enjoy the cast and the story line —Liam Neeson, of course, and Alan Rickman — I am so sorry he is no longer with us — but isn’t his character a cad?  I know, who even says that, but that is the nicest way I think to describe the character — but he does it so well!

I will end the season of Advent with “The Bells of St. Mary’s” as I always do.  It just isn’t Christmas without it.

Now, what happens in between is anybody’s guess — it is up for grabs — it might even be a spur of the moment thing — I will let you know!

Do movies play a part in your holiday plans?  

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Book Banning

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