Saturday, November 11, 2023

New List - A Little Late but Better than Never

 I decided to add a new list to my blog — movies!

Yes, I came upon this brilliant idea a little late in the year but I will continue after the new year.  So far, I have added the three movies I have watched in as many days.  Not sure what I will add today — maybe King Creole?  Not sure, it will be a surprise — to all of us!

These lists on my blog help me to keep up with what I have watched/read  and I hope it gives you guys some ideas.

Speaking of reading, I checked with my library to make sure my library card was still active (it is) and I finally jumped into my Libby app and checked out a book.  I used to use it all the time when it was Overdrive but this is my first experience with Libby.  So far, so good.

I checked out “Savannah Blues” by Mary Kay Andrews.

I love Savannah, George and my daughter loves Mary Kay Andrews so I am expecting a great experience as I have never read her works before but I am looking forward to it.

I will start when I finish my latest read — “The Florist of Amelia Island”.  I am almost done and will be starting the Andrews title immediately — I might even get start before but I find it difficult to read two books at one time.  We will see.  But, it is checked out for three weeks so I can’t dilly-dally around.

Have a wonderful Saturday! I have some chores to tend to this morning and then I am going to finish this book and plan a movie!  Not going to Girl Scouts this morning — they will just have to do without me! Hahahah!

Have a wonderful day!


Angela said...

I've had lots of fun checking out books on Libby. Hope you do too. Thanks for comment re Crochet cloth on my blog today 👍❤️

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your Saturday is/was as enjoyable and productive as you planned. GM

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Angela! Good to hear from you! I am hoping to use Libby more than Kindle Unlimited — we will see how that goes. The crocheted cloth is beautiful — I always appreciate handwork.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Granny! It has been a reasonably productive day — went to lunch, did laundry, did some organizing and tossing of “things” — the only thing is, the movie I watched today was very disturbing and it has left me well, disturbed.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Pom Pom! something is glitchy on here and I can’t get your comment to publish but the answer to your question is no, I haven’t seen the PBS version but I have Passport so I will check it out for sure.

New Decor — So Overwhelming!

 Feeling pretty good these days and we are in my absolute favorite season so I want to make the most of it and not waste a second of it so I...