Monday, November 06, 2023

Repeating Myself All Over Again

 I have made this declaration before and failed to live up to it but next year….

I read a lot.  I read on a Kindle mostly.  I subscribe to Kindle Unlimited.  Why?  Because I have run out of bookshelf space and I have no where to put any more.  So, I have been wading in the world of cyber books.  It’s all good.

I use Goodreads to keep up with my books and my friends and to get ideas for new reads.  It is a cozy place to visit.

Several years ago I started participating in the Goodreads yearly challenge.  Year before last I swore I wouldn’t do it again yet, here I am finishing up my 2023 challenge.  Swearing to never do it again.

Why you might ask?  Well, I find the idea of reading to complete a challenge takes away from the idea of reading for enjoyment.  When you find yourself re-reading your granddaughter’s childhood books just to get something quick on the list, I believe that defeats the purpose.  

When I was a child I would go to the library, pick up a couple of titles and be in reading heaven for two weeks until the books were due.  If I was lucky we would have one of the slow, steady, monsoon-like rains that were common in South Texas and I could sit and read all day.

Now it is a matter of meeting the challenge.

I am on a couple of reading groups on Facebook and people are sharing so many interesting books, I have a “want to read” list on Goodreads and am adding to it daily.  But I want to really delve into these books — not just gloss over them to meet the challenge requirement.

So, for 2024 I will continue to list my books as I read them, and review them, but I will no longer participate in a challenge — it is just setting me up for failure.

Right now I am reading “The Florist on Amelia Island” the fourth book in the Seven Sisters series by Hope Holloway.  It is about a family, the Wingates, who live on Amelia Island.  There are seven girls between the elder Wingates and each has a story.  So far there are five books in the series - the fifth hasn’t been published yet.  

I recommend this series as it is engaging, picturesque, romantic and not dreadful in any way.  

I tend to read series, I always have, I guess when I find a book I like I hate to see it end.  

So, yeah, next year when I post that I am starting my new challenge could somebody please save me from myself? 



Phoebes World said...

I will jump in and help

Seriously... the amount of book challenges Ive started... and veered off track are more than a handful. The latest was an Agatha Christie challenge where they give you set books to read. It started well... but then I discovered a second hand book shop..and was tempted away.

Having said that...Im reading Murder at the Vicarage right now... and enjoying it

Have a great week x

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you! I am sure I will need rescuing. I have never read Agatha Christie but watched many episodes of Hercule Poirot on PBS! I am going to have to give her a try.

Book Banning

 Hi, all!  How are all my bloggy friends this almost-autumn-Wednesday morning?  I am doing well — had a lengthy bout of aFib yesterday so do...