Thursday, November 30, 2023

Well, Hmm…..What to do

 Well it appears I ran all my friends off by posting about being worried about my blog being hacked.  It think it is fine, I haven’t had any weird activity — in fact, I haven’t had any activity at all!  I took the post down and am now waiting for my friends to return.

Please come back.  All is well.  I think I was just over reacting. 

It is lonely here in my little corner of blog land.



Frugally challenged said...

Whatever it was you've sortedit!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you Mary! It seems it had been changed from “public’, probably at my own hand by mistake. I appreciate you!

Checking In

 Hi all! Just checking in.  On Wednesday I had a second cardiac ablation.  All went well and I am doing what I have been told — sit down, be...