Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I’m Baaaaaack!

 I haven’t really been gone, just a bit busier than usual which doesn't take much — I am quite slothy most of the time.

Last week we took a short day trip to College Station, Texas, home of the great Texas A&M University with my daughter and granddaughter.  My daughter needed her ring (the pride of all Aggies) resized so we needed to go to the Ring Office, have her sized and leave the ring for adjustment.  It will take 4-6 weeks.  We will then drive back to pick up said ring.  My daughter is very proud of her education and ring and the fact that she has a long Aggie legacy —dad, uncles, cousins — it is a family thing.  I did not go to school there but my association with the school and the traditions has been ongoing since 1965 so trust me, I am an Aggie by default!


It was strange this year with Advent 4 and Christmas Eve being on the same day.  So, we had Advent 4 service at 10 a.m and Christmas Eve at 4 pm and 11 p.m.  We went to the first service while my daughter and her family attended both — Bean had to acolyte at 10 and my daughter had to read at 4 — was that bad planning on the people putting together the program or was it sly to make sure everybody was in church to celebrate both?  Hmmm….. well, it worked because there was a full house for all the services which is a very good thing.

Our Bean is the acolyte on the left — the only girl, the only red head! Can’t miss her.

So, Christmas Eve, after the 4 pm. Service we went to my daughter’s house for our traditional tamales and chili con queso and gift exchange.  A good time was had by all.

After a reasonably good night (for some reason Trixie thinks 5 a.m. is a great wake up call) we got up on Christmas morn to find that Santy Paws had indeed come so a bit of playtime ensued.  Later we had a nice dinner of ham, pasta salad, two kinds of beans, tossed salad and pie.  

I couldn’t settle on a Christmas movie so I opted for another episode of “Heartland”.  I am really enjoying the series.  I did watch my traditional movie “The Bell’s of St. Mary’s” while fixing the food during the day.  It wouldn’t be Christmas without it.

So, we had a very quiet Christmas but we are feeling refreshed and renewed and ready to take on the new year!


Granny Marigold said...

I found it strange too that the 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve were on the same day. Did you by any chance see the Call the Midwife Christmas special that aired last night. It was a good one. Happy New Year!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! No I haven’t seen it yet but I intend to watch it this evening. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...