Friday, December 08, 2023

Poor Baby Bean —-

 Night before last our church youth group went to WallyMart to purchase toys for a toy drive.  There were $1000 in donations to the cause so each kiddo had $250 to spend. 

Here they are ready to shop — just look at those bright and shiny faces.

And shop they did —

They even got a bicycle and I have to say, somebody is going to be thrilled to receive that big stuffy!

They had a wonderful time!  We don’t have a large youth group but we are working to grow it.  However they had fun and spent all their money and from the looks of those baskets they did well.

Then, yesterday Bean had to go to the orthodontist go get her braces put on.  That beautiful smile in the picture above turned to tears quickly.

Not only did she get the brackets and wires on her top teeth, she got an expander in the roof of her mouth (not her mouth pictured)

And a Herbst appliance in lieu of traditional head gear 

By the time we got her home yesterday she couldn’t talk, she was drooling like a teething infant and she can’t eat.  She cried her way through a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream.  I sent her home with mashed potatoes, apple sauce and soup.  Dad was at the store stocking up on soft stuff.  

She is already just a little thing, I can’t imagine her losing weight.  However, her friend who happens to be a boy (hee hee, see what I did there) has had all of this in his mouth and he assured her she will eat again.  She already has food issues because she has a nut allergy and doesn’t trust anything to not have nuts in it so eating is a challenge at best.

Hopefully today will be a better day.


Granny Marigold said...

Poor Bean...and what bad luck to have that appliance put in just before Christmas. She sure has my sympathy.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I know, it is so sad. I feel so bad for her.

Pom Pom said...

Poor Bean! All that stuff in her mouth! I hope she gets used to it soon!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Pom Pom — me too, me too. It looks miserable

“They” Said it Would Happen —-

 Ok, as promised I will provide proof that we have, in fact, had snow in Texas. At about 6 a.m. the sleet shower started.  It was light.  It...