Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Strange Things —

Ok, let’s review — I am a highly sensitive person, I am an introvert, I am extremely empathetic so THINGS bother me! Not things like the fact that I still haven’t vacuumed the floor (I know, I know) but things I can’t explain.  I can explain the non-vacuuming — lazy—but I can’t explain what happened last night and it is bothering me.

I went to bed about 10 and put my book down about 10:15 or so and fell right to sleep, soundly.  At 11:20 pm I woke up to a strong, male voice calling my name.  I don’t remember dreaming and this voice was like it was in the room with me calling me.  I went from a sound sleep to wide awake in a nanosecond.  It scared me because I just knew it was my husband who quite possibly had fallen. 

However, I looked over and he was sound asleep, in bed, wrapped up like a mummy in the covers.

I shook him to wake up and see if he knew if he had called out and he said no and I don’t think he was thrilled to be awakened — I don’t blame him.  He went back to sleep.

I.  Did. Not.  

Well, until 4 a.m.  Everything that I could worry about I did.  Everything I could fret over I did.  And I just couldn’t figure out what or who that voice was.

I am still bothered by it not to mention being very tired and sleepy.  Yesterday was a very bad day because it was so cold and I found myself just sitting most of the day, my knees hurt, my back hurt and it was just non-productive.

Today has to be better.   Not going to mention vacuuming.


Granny Marigold said...

I'm sure I would also have been wide awake after hearing my name being called ( obviously not by your husband). A strange occurrence, for sure.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Apparently it is a common thing to happen with no underlying or sinister meanings. Just something to do with being between sleep and awake. But it was creepy and scary to me!

16 blessings'mom said...

I was wide awake for hours the other night too, but for no apparent reason. We were just discussing recently though an event that happened to me several years ago, when I had a terrible nightmare that a strange man was standing in the bedroom doorway staring at me. I woke up and he was still there, didn't move until I said out loud, "In the name of the Lord Jesus, leave!", then poof he was gone. To this day I don't know if I was actually awake or not, but it seemed like it. In any case, it comforts me that it works to invoke the Lord's name, but I do hope it never happens again. You may have been dreaming too, probably. I hope it doesn't happen to you anymore.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

16 blessings mom — thanks for dropping by! I hope tonight will be better!

diane in northern wis said...

Well, I hope it was just you dreaming. Although sometimes people can call out in their sleep and not even be aware of it. Maybe your husband did that??? I'm sorry to hear you were awake until 4 am. That happens to me once in awhile, where I go to bed and lay there for hours trying to get to sleep. I finally get up and eat a little something like half a peanut butter sandwich and then usually I can get to sleep. Hope that's the last of your nights like that. Hope your weather warms up soon. We are in a terrible cold snap right now too. Take care and sweet dreams.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...