Saturday, October 26, 2024

Having Fun!

 I just love autumn.  The vibe just energizes me — even if it was almost 90 degrees a couple of days ago.  You gotta love Texas.  But, some of the trees are turning (or dying from the heat) and the changes in the air are undeniable, even on our hot days.

I have been having a good time, lately.  I have had more energy and, even though my back is really bothering me, I have been encouraging (forcing) myself to ACCOMPLISH! I don’t have the stamina I used to but I am hoping that by taking one thing at a time and cheering myself on I will be able to get back to at least a shadow of my former self — I have just given in to the arthritis pain so much that I have done myself absolutely no good and now am trying to rectify the situation — I even did some exercise before I got out of bed this morning.  Didn’t see that coming!  I have come to the conclusion that part of my back problem is sitting for hours reclining in a recliner.  I did some research on it and yes, it can cause hip muscle issues and I think that is what it has done — so when I was sitting yesterday I didn’t “recline” and my back felt better.  So, yeah.  Who knew.

 Anyway, I digress.

I have had a difficult time with books lately.  I haven’t had anything resonate with me and have actually taken a break from reading but I ran across this book on a Kindle Unlimited sale —-The Last Bookshop in London.  It is historical fiction featuring two young women, Grace and Viv, who always dreamed about living in London and they found themselves there, through no pleasant circumstances, at the beginning of WW2 and it follows their lives, mostly Grace, through the Blitz and documents her survival, strength, and growth through the ordeal. It was really a good book.  REALLY good and I recommend.  There were heart wrenching parts but it was worth it.  I recommend.

Then last night I decided to watch a movie because, honestly, if this election doesn’t get done soon I am going to unplug all my media devices.  I am so tired of hearing these people drone on and on and, here in Texas, we have a particularly contentious Senate race and I am really disgusted with
the whole thing.  Two things keep coming to mind — in my younger years it didn’t seem like politics were as “in your face” or “dirty” as it is now, people seemed classier and less common — I don’t know, I think it is a sign of getting old. I also wonder how, in this huge country with millions of people, we have so few to pick from.  Hmmm?   I don’t know, not really a political person but I know it is definitely time for Nov. 5 to get here!

Opps, I digress — again —

So the movie I chose was “About Time” (2013) with Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander — two of my favs.  It was about Tim and Mary and Tim is able to time travel, a genetic trait.  It was fun and funny and confusing and I really enjoyed it.  Another recommend but you have to pay attention. 

' Lately, I have been engaging in a hobby that I have done since childhood but I got really involved during ablation recovery.  I am coloring.  No longer using crayons but five sets of various colored pencils — my medium of choice.  I have about 8 coloring books and I flip around through those. What do I do with them when done?  Probably bin them but for now it is fun.  Here are a couple of examples of what is taking up my time — 




My father was an artist and portly, my mother was tiny and really cute and had zero artistic talent and I always joked that I got my father’s build and my mother’s talent and that was really a cruel trick of nature! So, I can’t draw but coloring allows me to feel a little creative, at least. I am having a good time and it is good for calming the anxiety beast in me.  

I have been doing some reading about earthing/grounding and, while I sort of skipped through the hippie era, it sounds like something good to try what with my pain level and anxiety.  So yesterday every time I went outside with Trixie I took my shoes off and enjoyed the ground.  I understand putting your hands in dirt - ie. gardening — it helps too and you can also touch water, like sitting in a bathtub so I am going to give it a go.  I can touch water — not sure about dirt but I can try.  I might try planting something in a pot.  But I think you have to be bare handed to get the benefit of the dirt. Uh, I will think about it.

I am also looking at buying a new rollator.  I only have my mother in laws and every time I look at it I see her and it isn’t pleasant so I am looking at this one but in a baby blue .. well, I guess you will never know because I can’t seem to get the photos to load — what has happened to loading photos?  I will try again later.  

Anyway, that is what I am up to so I will be back soon — sewing many Girl Scout patches to a blanket — a grandma’s work is never done!


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The Rollator

 I will put the picture here — maybe it will work — having trouble loading pics but anyway, I am contemplating this — In baby blue — thoughts?