Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Happy Birthday, Mama

 Today is my mother’s birthday.  She would be 102.  She departed this earth a long time ago, March 13, 1996 to be exact,   It seems like forever since I have seen her and I miss her.  She left too soon, too young, and she has missed so much.  I would like to think she is watching from afar

So, happy birthday, Mama, I hope it is a good one there with Daddy and the rest of the family.  I hope there is cake.


Granny Marigold said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Mother in heaven 💗

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you Granny M.

Happy Birthday, Mama

 Today is my mother’s birthday.  She would be 102.  She departed this earth a long time ago, March 13, 1996 to be exact,   It seems like for...