Thursday, May 08, 2008

Booking Through Thursday -- Manual Labor

"Writing guides, grammar books, punctuation how-to' you read them? Not read them? How many writing books, grammar books, dictionaries--if any--do you have in your library?"

I have a dictionary and a thesaurus. I HAD a Strunk and White but my daughter confiscated that. I have a number, maybe six, writing guides from a creative writing course I took a number of years ago. I still have some texts from college, also.

Do I read them? No. I reference them, from time to time, but I don't sit down and read them. I have been known to read encyclopedias for pleasure, however.

I have found that as I am reading more and blogging more that my need for such material is, once again, more viable. However, I am finding a new resource for that -- my daughter, who is a communication/journalism major, comes in most handy for that sort of thing. In fact, she has told me that I am entirely too liberal with commas which is evidenced in the previous sentence. So, while, I don't read these sorts of books, I probably should.


CJ said...

You're not alone with the commas. And it is great having a walking reference around, isn't it?


Boyett-Brinkley said...

cjh -- yes, but she can be so bossy!

monique said...

I use commas by the bizillion, usually.

jlshall said...

Yes, I, use, a, lot, of, commas, too!!! Also, lots of exclamation marks!!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Monique -- Commas can be so decorative --like embellishments!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

jlshall -- Well, exclamation points do sort of the same as typing in all caps but they are happy and not angry! See!

Artistic Endeavors

 You know what they say about hobbies — there are actually two hobbies involved — one the hobby itself and the second is collecting all the ...