Monday, January 04, 2010

Off to a Running Start

As I promised myself, I started on my new cross stitch project -- "Fuji" by Terrance Nolan. I began this on 16 count evenweave but after a few stitches realized that my eyes would be better suited to 14 ct. aida. So, I started again. Now, I am not good at figuring out how to convert sizes so I figured I would just use a really big piece of fabric. I bought the biggest packaged piece I could find which is 30" X 36". Needless to say, when you begin in the center, this is more than a little unwieldy. At any rate, I should have plenty of fabric.

I am going about this project a bit different than I usually do. While I am starting in the center I am completing one grid square at a time. The pattern is divided up into five parts, each part being on a different page so I started with the top, left hand side of the pattern but began at the bottom, right hand side which is the corner in the middle. Confusing, I know. At any rate, the first grid square is about 36 squares and that is what I have completed. That 36 squares was made up of four different colored threads -- I can tell this is going to take a long, long time. That is ok, though, because this is the first project I have done that I haven't been under some sort of deadline to finish. That is sort of throwing me off a bit but I hope to be able to enjoy making the picture rather than just trying to get it done.

I haven't taken a photo yet because there really isn't much to take a photo of -- 36 squares of varying shades of beige/brown with a little grey/blue in it. I will take a photo tomorrow when I get a bit further.

I also started reading "An Amish Gathering -- Life in Lancaster County". It is a work of three Amish novellas written by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller and Barbara Cameron. I was in B&N the other day, looking for Nook accessories, and it caught my eye -- again, a catchy cover. I am really glad the Nook shows the cover of the books otherwise I would never know how to choose one!

At any rate, I am a few pages into the first story. It is about a young Amish woman who dreams of being a writer and writing about the English who seem, in her eyes, to have problems with religion. Of course, while the young woman is busy trying to be a writer her sister and her mother are busy trying to get her married so her rebellious streak is rearing its ugly head. As I said, only a few pages in so I am not sure if I am going to enjoy it or not.

I also started trying to keep a journal. Ha! Not doing any better job now than the million other times I have tried but I will keep after it and hopefully not give up after the first three days.Add Image

After thinking about my time management "issues" I decided to try to budget my time to do more of what I want to do. I think I have done pretty well for the last couple of days. I feel better about doing what I have to do when I make time to do what I want to do.

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