Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It is time for another Teaser Tuesday hosted by Miz B at Should Be Reading.  I have mentioned in past blogs that I am really enjoying the Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton.  I discovered this series when I checked out a book on a sale table at B&N and then went home and purchased it for my Nook thinking it would be on sale there as well -- I was wrong.  In any event, it was a thoroughly enjoyable little read but I discovered that it was in the middle of a series and I decided that I needed to start at the beginning.  While it isn't necessary to begin at the beginning because each book appears to be stand alone with enough back history to fill you in so you aren't lost, it is a lot of fun beginning at the beginning.  The book I am going to tease you about today is the second book in the series, Aunt Dimity and the Duke, and my teaser is from page 23.

"I am Queen Eleanor," Nell announced, clutching Bertie with one hand and pinching the hem of her skirt with the other, "and this is Sir Bertram of Harris, and we do not speak with pheasants." "That's peasants, Nell."  Peter had known it would be a mistake for Dad to read the King Arthur stories to her but that was not the immediate problem.

Wouldn't you love to know what the immediate problem was?



Pooch said...

How clever! Perhaps, she used to speak with pheassants as well!

Jane and Chris said...

Yes I would....but you're not going to tell me are you?
Jane x

Frances said...

Haha. Pheasants! The series sounds like a fun one. New follower.
Mine: http://www.alaskanbookcafe.com/

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Jane -- it seems that Nell had dressed herself and Bertie in her deceased mother's clothes and Peter knew that their father wasn't going to like it!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I hate it when I start to read a book only to discover it is part of a series and I haven't read the ones before it.

I will have to look into this book.


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Gill -- start with Aunt Dimity's Death. It is a quick read. They have elements of America and England and take place mostly in England which is much fun for people like me who have roots there.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...