Friday, January 06, 2012

I Admit It -- I Lied!

I thought I was done with Christmas posts but JLSHall sent me the photos of the ornie I made her so I thought I would share them with you.

Since JLSHall's name is Joy, this came already monogrammed!

And, the back!

I have had the fabric that I used for the backing for quite some time -- kept thinking I would make some holiday placemats or something but never got around to it so when I finished the little Joy angel, I pulled this out knowing it would be perfect for this project.

I really enjoyed making these ornaments.  I usually give the kids Hallmark ornaments so one day they will have some for their tree when they are grown but this year I decided to do more of a "do it yourself" sort of theme and these ornaments were part of it.  Next year -- more cooking to go along with.

Tomorrow -- my, as usual, late addition to "A View from the Window".  I tried to get the cat in the picture but apparently he/she doesn't want to visit on Thursday.


Gill - That British Woman said...

just gorgeous, I really must make more of an effort with my cross stitching...


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you! Sometimes it is a struggle -- I am the sort that has to be "in the mood" to do something and that is why I have so many unfinished projects -- I am easily distracted. However, since I got my new magnifying lamp I have been enjoying the cross stitching a lot more. I would love to see some of your stuff. I also have two quilts started -- a memory quilt for my son and a Union Jack for my son in law. I need to get busy with those as well -- hope the mood strikes soon!

Jane and Chris said...

Soooooo pretty...!
Jane x


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...