Saturday, January 07, 2012

A View from a Window

Late, yes, I know.  However, this week I did actually take the photos from inside the door, through the glass instead of opening the door and essentially taking them outdoors.  So, here you go!

Little Blurry -- Maybe it is better with the door open!

This one turned out better!

I did go out a few days ago to see what was left in the garden after our freezes and I actually had the forethought to take the camera.  This is what I came up with

Hubs making yard art while making the birds happy -- being creative with shepherds hooks and bird feeders!

Seems the Pin cushion plants survived the freeze and are thriving!

Renegade mint coming up where it doesn't belong

Squirrel nest in the pear tree

Squirrel nest in the OTHER pear tree

Yep, more mint -- it is everywhere!

So there is the garden in late December/early January.  If I can get a photo of the Orange Cat, I will.  He didn't run away when he saw me the other day so maybe he is getting comfortable in the yard -- or else the multitude of doves are more interesting than he is afraid of us.


Jane and Chris said...

I love your sunshiney view...the greeness of it all...and your hubby in shirtsleeves.... not three layers of snow gear!!!
Jane x

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you! However, this weather is why we can't function when it does snow/ice which it does do every year. Fortunately, so far, we have just had some rain but not enough to squelch the drought.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...