Monday, May 18, 2015


I dabble in family history.  I have for a long, long time.  The internet has made is much easier to find information and photos and unknown living relatives.  Last night I was checking my account and my DNA results which are ever changing.  I found a new photo of my great great grandmother as a young woman.  I have photos of her as an older woman, in 1942, but this was was taken probably in the 1870's.  The thing about it was -- it was like looking at my mother.  I might be the only one that sees the resemblance but it was so obvious to me.  I was so thrilled with the find that I thought I would share it here. 

My mom -- somewhere around 1940

My grandmother -- not sure of the year

My grandmother's grandmother
I had to blow this last photo up because it is quite small so obviously the quality is compromised.  My cousin, JLSHall is going to try to photoshop it a bit do clean it up.

Anyway, my great great grandmother is Choctaw Indian -- at least half.  It seems that side of my family married into Indian communities regularly as there are many instances.  Yes, my Ancestry DNA still says I have no Indian blood.  This great-great grandmother had a daughter who was born on an Indian reservation between San Marcos and Austin and her Indian name was Poison Ivy.  She went by Ivy. 

So, that is my most recent genealogical find.  Aren't family trees wonderful?  Isn't DNA amazing.  Isn't the resemblance in these photos uncanny? I think so.


Gill - That British Woman said...

that is so neat. As you are part native Indian, do you qualify for Government discounts, like they are in Canada?

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Gill -- no, I don't think so as I don't think I am a large enough percentage. The only discounts I can get are for being old! Hahah!

Unknown said...

They all seem to have the same subtle smile! All very pretty and you can see the family resemblance amongst one another--you didn't include your photo though :)

A wonderful keepsake!


Boyett-Brinkley said...

Bonnie -- I don't have too many photos of myself -- especially recent photos. I might have to dig up an old one someplace.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...