Sunday, June 26, 2016


Ok, I am an anomaly.  I have a strong artistic desire but absolutely no artistic talent.  So, what do I do?  I dabble in crafts sometimes.

I quilt and really enjoy combing color combinations of fabric.  My quilts will always look like a beginner quilter because I am more interested in the color and fabric than I am the block pattern or the quilting design.

I do cross stitch because that almost seems like painting to me.  Of course, I don't make up patterns of my own, I use other's creations but sometimes I change the colors around. 

I can't knit or crochet -- I just simply don't have the gene for that which makes me sad but I do have a set of those round knitting things that I am going to teach myself to use.  Someday. 

But, I have been intrigued by something else of late.  Cardmaking.  I have a friend who makes the loveliest cards and they are a joy to get.  I have to say she is quite the inspiration.

I have tried my hand at cardmaking before but it was basically a blank card with stickers and it was a LONG time ago.  Since then the internet is teeming with all sorts tutorials and ideas and such so I decided to give it a go.  Today.

And this is the fruit of my effort --

I did learn from my early attempt that you have to have lots of stuff to make cards.  Paper, ribbons, some way to stick it all down, blank cards, colored pencils, punches, embossing things, design elements -- the list goes on and on.  I have been making an attempt to acquire some of these necessary items and now that I have a few things I am going to have to make some cards to justify the purchases. 

So, anyway, what probably would have taken an experienced cardmeister fifteen minutes to make took me --- wait for it --- drumroll -- five hours.  Yes, five hours and a trip to Joann Fabrics for "design elements".  I broke a sweat.  I struggled but the card is made and ready to be mailed.  It is definitely masculine so it will probably go to the next male having a birthday.  Now I have to work on some girly stuff which will probably mean more "stuff" and "bling".  I wonder if I can sell these?


Frugally challenged said...

Hey, Melissa! I'm well impressed! You should see the amount f stuff I have for cardmaking and there never seems to be just the right "bit" for what I want to do - but I suppose that's where the real creativity comes in.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Mary! Thank you! I got the basic idea from a magazine but the finished product didn't look at all like the one in the book. I figured out it was sort of a "decide as you go" process. It was fun, although a bit labor intensive. I suppose as I do more it will get faster. You know, my son-in-law used to make cross stitch cards. When he first came here and was waiting for his green card he needed to make some cash so he taught himself cross stitch and made cards and sold them. He made close to $400 that Christmas. I asked him about it the other day and he said the return wasn't good enough! I might incorporate some cross stitch but I really did enjoy the paper crafting and all that beautiful paper out there affects me like fabric. All the "stuff" out there to embellish with is like looking at a jewelery store!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...