Monday, January 02, 2017

Blue Monday and One Thing Always Leads to Another

Blue Monday is a meme that was originally hosted by Smiling Sally.  Sally has gone on to glory but the meme continues here at  The gist of the meme is to post photos of anything blue that strikes your fancy.  There are some lovely photos.

So, here are my blue offerings for this second day of the new year!

As you have learned from a previous blog entry, we have been up to our ears in home improvements.  And, as these things usually go, one thing leads to another.  So, I am going to take you on a tour of the back side of Maison Brinkley so you can see how "blue" our little world has become.

pretty blue bird feeders -- they need some food!

the big blue kamado -- it needs to be cooking

the blue, French-inspired planters which need to be planted

a blue bird bath that we created out of a pot and a saucer -- it needs to be put back together

beautiful blue Texas sky--sorry to get the back side of Target! It seems much more vibrant after the rain last night

the blue porch ceiling
I can attest to the fact that yellow jackets and wasps do NOT like the blue ceiling.  We took down  the ceiling fan on the patio which, much to our dismay, had become a big nest for wasps and mud daubers and decided to just replace it with a light.  A couple of the wasps came back looking for their now defunct home and they kept trying to fly up and hit the ceiling and came right back down which means they actually do think it is the sky.  They finally left and I haven't seen them since. 

I love blue, it is one of my favorite colors and I love incorporating it into my decor.  It is generally the color that I wear the most as well.  I very pleased with the way the back of the house looks with the new paint and the new roof.  I think we should go to the nursery today and buy some pansies to plant in those blue pots!

What do you think?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Blue is a favorite color here too. Happy Blue Monday and Happy New Year!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...