Monday, February 05, 2018

Blogger -- There's a Problem

Ok, not a problem with blogger -- just a problem with THE blogger.

I have been getting comments that I didn't understand because they are in a different language with a different alphabet.  I decided I needed to moderate my comments so I did the little clicky thing to do just that.

Then I forgot I did it.

Then, this morning, I decided there was something wrong because I had no comments and that is not the usual.   So, I took a closer look and what do you know.  There is a label "comments awaiting moderation" or something like that.

Clicked on it and there are my comments! 

So, I have published them and will be responding and apologize profusely.

I may be awhile as I have to care for a Bean with an earache today.  But, I am really looking forward to reading them.

I was so lonely and felt so abandoned.  Now I just feel rather dumb.

It's all good!


Frugally challenged said...

Yup, I've just had publication notification for comments dating back over a year!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Eww-- you have a lot to go through! I had just forgotten that I made that change but it was so good to see I wasn't abandoned!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...