Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Earthing, Grounding and Just Getting Comfortable

I haven't said much about it here but I am currently dealing with a good deal of pain from "very severe osteoarthritis of the knee" as per my orthopedic surgeon.

I have had shots and done exercise and taken meds and rubbed all manner or ointments and gels and whatnot on the poor, delicate joints.  In mid-December it was if nothing was going on -- my knees were great and I was feeling no pain.  Then the cold weather came and I am hobbling around again.

I suspect, since I pretty much feel like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, that my arthritis issue isn't just in my knees.  My feet give me lots of issues as well and now my hip, my neck, and my hands.  Except for my hands, I think all the other issues are just amplified by the gimpy knees -- I just don't walk right. I limp, my weight isn't evenly distributed and speaking of weight -- well, there's that, isn't there?

So, in trying to be objective I have been observing myself and taking note of what feels good and what doesn't in regards to footwear.

I have also been doing some reading about earthing, or grounding, in an effort to relieve the knee pain and, while I am not sure it is a "thing", it is interesting reading and has made me curious about minimalist shoes.

My left foot has a very high arch and sometimes, in certain shoes, when I get out of the car, I have to stand still for a bit because it seems like the bones in the top of my foot have to "settle" or get back into place.  I am sure the shoes I am wearing, which are a good, highly acclaimed brand, are squishing my foot into a shape it shouldn't be going in.

I am happiest barefoot but it isn't feasible to go to the grocery store, or church, barefooted -- especially in freezing weather.  Around the house, on really cold days, I wear slippers but for the most part, I am barefooted.

So, last night I did a search on shoes that would mimic being barefoot.  I did some reading that told me that people with knee arthritis do better with shoes that have a zero drop -- which means very flat -- and they should wear minimalist shoes that mimic being barefoot.  Of course, the next article in the queue said people with knee arthritis should wear trainers or athletic shoes with lots of padding and cushioning that lace up.  Lace up's are hard for me because of the one foot with the high arch.  Those sorts of shoes make my feet feel like they are suffocating.  I really liked my Tieks but I have very wide feet and they were just too narrow.

So, what is a girl to do?  I have given thought to wearing the shoe box -- that might work better than anything I have tried so far.

I did find, through my searching, a couple of places that had shoes that might work but again -- the wide feet are problematic.

Vivobarefoot - had these--

They look promising.  They also had these --

These second ones have laces but I could try them.

They both have very flexible soles and are lightweight.

Not sure what to do about my wide feet -- I will have to talk to one of their reps about it.  And, they are a little pricey for making a mistake but I guess I just need to pony up and start returning things I buy by mail that aren't satisfactory.

Like my new bedspread.

But that is a completely different post.

Guess I will go buy shoes.


Pom Pom said...

How about Birkenstocks? That's what my mom finally settled on (she wears socks if it's cold). She kept sending for and sending back shoes after shoes.

Boyett-Brinkley said...
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Boyett-Brinkley said...

I have thought about birks -- I might try them


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...