Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Just a Couple of Things

My husband loves Celtic music.  I should with my ancestry and I do but it makes me want to cry.

I have a cousin who was adopted into the family back when she was a baby in 1957.  She has unfriended me from Facebook (she got mad at me) and she acts like she is a member of the family and I am not.  I am not exactly sure what to do with this so I am going to leave it here.

I am toying with the idea of sewing clothes for myself again.  It didn't work when I was a svelte little thing -- I doubt it is going to be any better now.  Maybe I should stop thinking about this.

I decided to vacuum today.  I am ashamed to say that I don't vacuum very often.  I believe it is good exercise though and I should do it every day.  It really wears me out.

We are having winter again.  A couple of days ago we were having summer.  I am too old for all this changing about.  I hate to think about changing the time again ....too old for that as well.

When I get finished vacuuming, I am going to sit down and read and read and read and then....

I am going upstairs to find a cross stitch project.

Something about moving has made me interested in doing all the things I used to do.  I think I feel energized here and my other house depressed me.  I have no rational reason for that.

I am having sushi for lunch!  Yay!

PS -- should I jazz up my blog?


Pom Pom said...

It's fun to jazz up blogs but there are a lot of things I don't know how to do.
I'm sorry about your little family rift. That's not fun.
You should sew for yourself. Go to #100actsofsewing on Instagram or look at the patterns on Etsy. They are easy for us if we are easing back into sewing.
The jeans I made are my favorite even though Bill doesn't like them (ha ha! no boots and jeggings here, sorry!)
My next thing is the top/blouse. It has funny armhole sleeves but it looks cute on the designer Sonya Phillip.
I am going to make some pajamas using the pattern, too.
Weight Watchers is going okay but I miss my friend Miss Sugar. Boo.
Vacuuming wears me out, too.
Have you gone to 123Stitch? CUTE cross stitch stuff!
Okay, enough of my ramble ramble ramble. God be with you, good BB!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I used to use those blog background sites but it seems I can't make it work now. Operator error I am sure! The family rift -- eh, she'll get over it --- or not. She is sort of difficult and always has been. I am 7 years older than her and I was never around her. We have just sort of developed an internet relationship while doing genealogy. If she wants to be friends, fine, if not, that is fine too. Yes, I am sort of interested in sewing again -- I will look at the things you suggested and yes, I have visited 123Stitch and they have a lot of stuff. I have been doing the "moderation" thing with eating and it works pretty well but I really have to make a concerted effort to rid my diet of sugar -- most especially cookies. If I could do that, I feel like I really do have a handle on my eating. And I need to exercise. Maybe I should just vacuum everyday!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...