Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19,2018

On this date, in 1775, the American Revolution began.

I hope nothing so monumental happens today.

Actually, today I am sitting her thinking about the blogs I read and how much information I derive from them.

I love blog reading and have made some good friends from reading those blogs.  As well, they are chock full of useful information, funny stories, sad times illustrating the human condition and lots of ideas for our own lives.
One blog I read is about fashion -- it is titled  It is written by Susan who decided her life needed a change and she set about reinventing herself.  Her original blog was called fiftynotfrumpy and has now evolved into the current incarnation.  I am not a fashionista although I used to be much more interested in clothes than I am now.  Now my focus in on shoes that don't make my feet hurt but that is another whole post.  While the things that Susan wears would not suit my body type her approach to clothes buying and fashion is very helpful and I have taken her points to heart.  It makes sense to me.  As she is aging (aren't we all?) she is discussing ways to embrace that age and continue forward in a way to feel good about yourself.  One of her key words is "soft".  I am learning a lot from Susan and I would suggest that anybody visit her blog at least once.

Another blog that I read is  For some reason it won't let me link but you should seek it out anyway.  It is written by Donna who, along with her husband, has created an experience of living in different time periods by adjusting her home and activities to reflect a certain decade.  Right now they are living in the mid-1940's.  They research the time period they are interested in and outfit their home to give them an idea of what it is to live in that period and they stay there for a year.  I believe that the year they are in now, 1944, is where they would like to stay permanently.  Now, her way of life is a bit too labor intensive for me -- I would probably be healthier if I could live like that but I don't think this old girl has it in her.  Plus, 1944 was before my time so many of the things I hear her talk about is reminiscent of things my parents spoke of.  However, her home is delightful, her gardens heavenly, and reading her blog does take me back to a simpler time and it is like a great big "sigh" to just look at her photos.

On a daily basis I read "Frugally Challenged" and "Trundling Through Life" written by my penpal, Mary.  I just delight in her posts -- we are approximately the same age which means we have memories of the same time periods and it is so interesting to see her talk about her life in the UK and I can compare my life in the US.  She has guest posts -- most notably from her caretaker Jack.  Jack is a character of the highest order and I have developed a great liking of Jack and his posts -- such fun! So sorry about your knees Jack but glad you are on the mend. 

Tracing Rainbows is another along with Jenny of Elefantz.  I love the needlework ideas, the gardens, the cooking -- it is just like I have good neighbors who like to get together for a chat over a cuppa.

Joysweb and A Little Reading are also regular reading for me.  Of course, Joy is my cousin so Joysweb keeps me up on what she is doing.  A Little Reading, also by Joy, is a good source for reading material as she is an avid reader/reviewer.  We all know, however, that I do judge my books by their covers!

I read many others as well, equally as charming and informative (they are all listed on my blog sidebar) and I look forward to seeing what is going on with my bloggy friends.  It has become a highlight of my day to check in on these folks and see what is going on in their worlds.

So, do you read blogs regularly?  If you are reading this, then you must.  What do you look for in a good blog?  Are you looking for an escape?  Information?  Or just a nice place to spend a few minutes out of your busy day?  I would like to know.


Pom Pom said...

I used to read blogs daily and post every few days, but now after 9 years of it, I find that I'm not spending as much time with my laptop. It must be the knitting!
I love the blog format and I adore looking at pictures and keeping my pictures in place for the future.
I'm glad you're my bloggy friend, BB!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I am glad you are my bloggy friend as well! I enjoy reading the blogs and writing mine but I am tired of the computer and I blame that on Facebook. Facebook isn't fun anymore. Much prefer the blogs early in the morning with my cuppa and the ice pack on my knee!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am hopeless at reading everyone's blogs, been too busy with sewing......

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Gill! I usually check in with them first thing in the morning, while everybody is still asleep and then I am done. Most of the ones I follow aren't updated on a daily basis so it is generally only one or two but it is the most relaxing reading for me.


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...