Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday, December 14

On the 14th day of Advent -- there is a Girl Scout Christmas party.  Our troop grew from 7 to 17 this year so this was no quiet little affair.  It was big and noisy and messy and these girls are so much fun.  With that I will share the photos of the evening.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take photos of the food which was abundant.

Our fearless leader -- pumped and ready for the shindig

The Bean Tree

Tasteful decor

Surprise gifts from our fearless leader

A quiet moment for two of our Brownies before the festivities begin

An unexpected, but welcome, guest

the gift table

The pottery projects from the trip to the pottery studio

A short meeting

bad lightening but more of the short meeting

lining up for food--and there was so much of it. 

chow line

Tuppy, our resident Elf, decided to show up for the event

Such a good group of little girls -- it is a privilege to be able to work with them 

And here is our fearless leader after the fact

 After the food and the gift exchange the girls had voted to decorate cookies and watch a movie.  They were all pretty droopy by 8:30 but I think it was a good time for all.


Frugally challenged said...

That looks to be a lovely party. The pots look wonderful.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

It was a nice party -- they all had a good time even though there was a mix-up with gifts -- it all worked out. Those pots were done at a really cool pottery shop in a nearby town. That was another fun day -- they are a really good group to take places, well behaved and engaged in what they are doing. We are lucky to have them.

Janet said...

That looks like fun. I used to have a Brownie troop and I loved it. One winter, though, I picked up the girl's cookies orders and then got snowed into the house with hundreds of boxes of cookies. It wasn't pretty. ;-)


Pom Pom said...

It sounds like a great party! I think the scouts learn a lot from participating in parties.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Janet -- I am so sorry about the cookies! It is getting close to cookie time again so my daughter's house will look like a storehouse! The weather usually stays ok for us to sell-- we set up booths at a very accommodating shopping center and they do well there but I can't imagine getting snowed in and not being able to sell -- and having all those cookies in my house because I have zero will power!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom -- I agree-- parties are great learning experiences -- especially when we end up one gift short --- we learn how quickly one mom can jump into action to save the day. She needs a cape!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...