Saturday, February 10, 2018

50 Harbor Street by Debbie Macomber

I have just finished "50 Harbor Street" by Debbie Macomber. It is the 5th in the Cedar Cove Series.

I am really enjoying this series  and have decided to read on through.  I could add something in between each installment but I am really engrossed in this story.  So, on I go.

In "50 Harbor Street"  a lot of big changes happened.  Cecelia had her baby and all is well.  Anson is missing and in a lot of trouble.  The author of the postcards is revealed.  Cliff and Grace ....well, best read it for yourself.  Something is going on with absolutely everybody and I have come to one conclusion about this series --

I would like to live in Cedar Cove.

I just downloaded the 6th installment on my Kindle -- "6 Rainier Drive" -- from my local library.

I love being able to download library books onto my Kindle.  I have given up being so stoic about print books -- I love this Kindle and will continue to use it. I can buy books, check books out of the library, and I can carry it in my purse.  I still buy books but I have run out of bookcase space and have many books on those shelves unread so I see no reason to continue to buy physical books when I can make good use of the library -- even if they are e-books!

So, off I go to load the dishwasher, make a cake, finish some laundry, do a bit of vacuuming and ------- start the new installment!

Happy Saturday!

Facebook -- What to Do

I have  been "on"  Facebook since its inception.  I remember signing up for it before it was clear what it was for.  That is a long time ago now.  I used to enjoy it.  Some of it I still do but....

I am on several interesting sites and I comment and people comment back and we enjoy conversation about a mutually interesting subject. 

But...nobody reads my posts.

I posted two reasonably interesting things yesterday -- one sort of sadly comical -- sad because it was true, comical because, well, it was true.  And, one with photos which I thought were interesting.

No comments, no heads up that it was seen.

I clearly don't have what it takes to be a facebooker. 

Should I quit?  Should I just lurk which is mostly what I do anyway? 

I read peoples posts and I comment.  I am invisible.

Oh well......


 Ok, so we visited our cardiologist yesterday to get the lay of the land for the Hubs.  Seems there is an issue with one of the grafts from ...