Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Absence

I haven’t been around my blog much lately and it isn’t because I have lost interest. There are two main reasons — one, my iPad and the second is my granddaughter, not in order of importance.

My laptop bit the dust a while. Back and I replaced with a more powerful iPad.  I am finding it to be difficult to use for my blog. That makes it a lot less fun to do.  It is more work and it has sort of put me off but I have no intention of not blogging. I will make it work.

The other thing that has been taking a good deal of my time, thought and energy is the Bean.  She has been diagnosed with  Obsessive Compulsive Anxiety Disorder.  Looking back she was probably born with it.  It appears to be genetic and I know the disorder existed in members of my family and still does.  Something caused a flare, however, in the last school year and I believe it was an unfortunate teacher.  I know it is easy to blames somebody like a teacher, my daughter gets that all the time, but this particular teacher was a real train wreck.  She would say inappropriate things and have full on panic attacks in front of the children.  It was horrific yet she retained her job through the entire year.
We felt this year would be a new start but, alas, the  demon reared its ugly head and now we are all working to make things better.

The way this presents in her is different than you see on television programs —she isn’t oddly tidy, she doesn’t aphabetize or count or line things up.  She has intrusive thoughts that she can’t control and they keep her from concentrating on what she should be thinking about.  The thoughts concern the weather and her health.  She is terrified of stormy weather and she is worried about being electrocuted or having her arms dislocate or getting a concussion.  This comes directly down the DNA pike from my grandmother who was terrified of weather and her health.  My daughter says she wishes she were tidy.  Oh yes, my daughter is clearly OCD as well, even though it presents differently in her, there is some overlap and yes, she is tidy.

So, the Bean is under a doctors care, receiving medication and seeing a therapist to help her control  the situation.  She has a new friend  at school who has the same thing although it presents differently in him but they have become each other’s support group and it is working well.  She is back in school, her grades are good, she has taken up dance as a new endeavor, she seems to be back to her old self and doing well but oh my goodness, this has all happened so quickly and so intense, it has made this Nona’s head spin.

She is reading again so I hope to have some more entries in the Bean and Me Book Club soon.  She will be fine, not sure about the rest of us.

On a more upbeat note, autumn has arrived here in North Texas and it is glorious!


Frugally challenged said...

It's good to hear that The Bean is working her way into a happier place and that she has a special friend who understands.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thanks. It is quite the process though

Granny Marigold said...

Poor Bean. It's something she'll hopefully learn to deal with but it won't be easy. So good that she has a friend who understands.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny M! Well apparently the therapy is supposed to do wonders and they hope to see significant results in about four months. Right now it is heartbreaking and frustrating and worrisome. I get to go to therapy with her today so I am anxious to see what is said

Pom Pom said...

Hi BB!
Oh, wow. I'm glad Bean is getting better and learning to deal with those intrusive thoughts. I hear you in regard to dead laptops. Mine isn't dead just dreadfully slow and I get very tired of waiting for it to think. I bet there are tricks to iPad blogging, but I don't know them. Take care, good Nona. I love your puppy!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...