Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Bean and Me Book Club — El Deafo

The Bean and Me Book Club has been on hiatus for a bit while the Bean works on getting her OCD under control.  Anxiety in an old lady like me is one thing, but in a 9 year old who is supposed to be enjoying life, well, it hasn’t been a fun time.  Steps are being taken to deal with her issues and make life easier for her to learn to cope with her little overactive, worried brain.

Things seem to be getting better though and she is beginning to enjoy all the things she used to before       OCD became a part of her life.   One of those things is reading.  She always wanted to read and once she could, it was her main activity.  Now her goal is to surpass one million words on her AR tests by the end of the spring semester.  She is, once again, sharing her books with me and we are reading and discussing them as usual.

My latest read is “El Deafo” by CeCe Bell.  It is the story of CeCe who contracts meningitis at a very young age and, while she survives and thrives quite well, she is left hearing impaired.  It is the story of her journey through the process of discovering her deafness, learning to live with it and learning to live in the world as a child with a challenge.  It is a great story of acceptance. It is also a great story of learning about people, their strengths and their shortcomings, and how to discover and deal with the people who come into your life, how to choose your friends and do what is best for you.

This is a very good book, especially for a child going through a challenge but it is an excellent read for any child learning to understand people with differences — we all have them, right?

So, yes, this is a definite recommend for all ages and being written in the graphic novel style, it is a quick and fun read.  And, there are enough “adult” references that make it tolerable and not oh-so-serious for adults as well.


Granny Marigold said...

Good to hear that The Bean is learning to cope with her OCD. That book El DeafO sounds like just the thing to encourage her on her path to overcoming issues. Which we all have but rarely admit.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

It was amazing how each character corresponded perfectly to somebody in her life good and bad. This book would be great for kids of all varieties!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...