Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cookie Time!

Well, folks, it is that time of year again!  Girl Scouts are out everywhere selling cookies to support their camping habit.  Our girls are doing the same as they are raising money for their first cabin camping trip to Stevens Ranch, one of the Girl Scout camps here in North Texas. I went to Outdoor Camping 101 training and learned all I needed to know about outdoor camping.  I won’t be going I don’t think.  Time will tell but the stories about the spiders were enough to turn me off.

Anyway, yesterday Bean had her stash of “Cookie Now” cookies which are 12 cases checked out to individual girls to have an individual booth or walk their neighborhood or whatever.  They are theirs to sell on their own.

So, Bean had a booth at a large shopping area.  There was great foot traffic, the weather was sunny but cold and windy and she managed to sell 121 of her 144 boxes there.  Then, when that was done she walked my street and sold 7 more in orders and then she walked her street and she sold 31 more in orders.  All in all a good day.

The morning after?  The adults can hardly move and the pollen in her hair has caused Beanie’s allergies to flare up so while we did well, there is a price, other than the $5 per box, to pay.  The troop sales start next week and I pray for good weather.  This time of the year is always iffy.

I put Bean’s blog on the side panel of mine so if you want to visit, just click on The Life of Bean and it will take you right there.  I think she is a little disheartened to not have any visitors so feel free to stop by and say hello to her.

Ok, time to get the day started. Our grandson officially becomes a teenager today — 13 years old — hard to believe that tiny little baby I held and took care of is now a 13 year old with a changed voice and taller than his mom.  Time flies when you aren’t watching it for sure.

Have a wonderful Sunday.


Frugally challenged said...

Thanks for the reminder about Bean's blog. I've left a few comments and I'm going to ad her to my reading list/feed.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Thank you! She will be thrilled!

Betty Mc said...

For some reason I was unable to sign up to receive Bean's blog, probably something I'm doing wrong but on the other hand if there is something else causing the problem others may also tried and failed??

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I don’t have it set to get followers. I should probably work on that!

Pom Pom said...

Yay for cookies! We don't have a scout so I may not gain five pounds this year!
I shall visit Bean's blog!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...