Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What a Difference a Day Makes

Yesterday was awful.  I had a tachycardia episode which robbed me of my sleep and then I was like a zombie all day — a barking zombie yelling at all in my way.  I didn’t get anything done except to spread distress all over the place.

Today I am like a different person.  I slept well and awoke with lots of energy and a plan.  Did you ever watch “A Woman of Substance”?  It is the story of Emma Harte who built a retail giant in England.  Total fiction, of course, but there was one part of the movie that stuck with me.  Emma was a domestic who wanted to be her own woman and needed time to do that.  So, she timed her chores to see how quickly she could get it done so she would have spare time.  That is my plan B.  Timing myself, sort of.

I get really cranky if I can’t do my fun stuff and I was raised to do the important stuff first so I have devised a way to do them both.  I am stitching or reading between laundry loads or emptying the dishwasher.  I am alternating a chore with fun.  It is working well.  Plus, I am looking at the things I have been putting off and figuring out how I can get it done really quickly.  So far so good.  I am not terribly domesticated and really don’t care for housework so this sort of makes it better.

I also put my dinner on early.  It is Wednesday so that means Mexican.  Tonight will be tacos so I put the meat together in the crock pot and that is ready to go.  I feel so accomplished.

Two loads of laundry done.

Reading with the Bean — we finished The Last Dogs series — it was so good and I enjoyed it so much.

Rumor on the street has it that Texas is facing another lockdown — I didn’t know we weren’t still locking down — WE are still locking down — hmmm....people need to quit gallivanting around without masks on and social distancing.  I feel like the kindergartner that keeps missing recess because the other kids can’t mind.

So, yeah — that’s today!


Frugally challenged said...

I alternate things as well, largely so that can have enough energy to get through the day! I hope the "feeling better" continues.

Granny Marigold said...

It sounds like you've created a good plan alternating jobs you have to do with more enjoyable stuff. We all need to find what works for us I guess. I'm a morning person so whatever I need to do I do before lunch then I have hours to do as I like before preparing the evening meal.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, Mary — I find I am not so put off by things if I do it this way. I am finding that if I live life according to my mother’s plan, I would never get to do any of the fun stuff — thinking back, all she did for fun was watch some tv, read the newspaper and do some crosswords. Later in life she took to reading but I am more creative than that — I have to be stitching or cutting paper or having some sort of art in my life — guess that is my dad’s part since he was an artist — but my new plan is working well.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

I am a morning person too and if it isn’t done by noon it probably isn’t going to get done. And 9 pm???? Pumpkin!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Pom Pom — your comment disappeared. I clicked on the check mark and it was gone — please repost

Pom Pom said...

I think I said that I never call what I do "chores". Hmmmm. I think my mom made us to do lists and I didn't want to do anything on the lists, so I don't do that kind of lists and don't think about things that need to get done. I'm weird.
I do make the bed because I want it to look pretty and I should vacuum more but I hate dragging the vacuum around. I would like a powerful stick vacuum that doesn't scratch the wood floors.
I love to cook and bake and I never think of that as a chore. I need to practice delayed gratification, I think! It's so hard for me!
I know just what you mean about bad sleep. Good sleep is so energizing!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Yes, I think I need to shake my childhood and look at things differently. This idea that everything has to be done first is sort of silly — housework never gets done! I mean, seriously, how long does the laundry stay done? Yes, I think an attitude adjustment is in order. I recently bought a vacuum that is lighter weight and cordless. It is a dyson stick vac or something like that and it works well. I just have too much arthritis to drag that bigger vacuum around on a daily basis and with the Trixster, it is on a daily basis. I got it at Home Depot, you might want to look. We don’t have a lot of carpet but we do in the living room where we — live — and she drags in all manner of leaves and things. I will replace that carpet with some sort of solid flooring that I can just mop. I use the Bona mop system and it works well for me — they now have a disinfectant spray out too. Trying to make things easier on this old body!


 Yes, it has been a month — and what a month it has been.  Long story short all the grafts from my husbands bypass surgery have disappeared ...