Thursday, February 24, 2022

Working Trough Things

 At 72 years old one would think I had nothing left to work through.

One would be wrong.

Some days I feel 12 going through puberty hell.  I blame it on the cessation of long term medications which controlled my hormones.  

I feel a little lost, in a way, because at 72 I am still trying to figure out who I am!  How ridiculous!

I find myself spending copious numbers of hours researching how I am supposed to be.  For some reason I feel the need to be validated by some random talking head on the internet.  I want somebody to tell me what to wear, what kind of make up to wear, what to read — it is really annoying.  

I have a style both in my personal styling and in my home — I know what I am comfortable with but yet, I want SOMEBODY to tell me it is correct — the right way for me to be.  WTH is this? 

I would like to go back and blame somebody for this indecisive nature of myself, this lack of confidence in who I am and what I do but I have nobody to blame.  I don’t have a great self-esteem and I think, in that regard, I can look back at my relationship with my mother and find elements that could probably have contributed to that.  My mother was not a bad person and she was a wonderful mother and she adored me but her method of discipline was to express “disappointment” in me — the worst thing I could do in life was to disappoint her — I can’t believe that was the worst thing I could ever do but that I what I was told. And then, there was the time in the  6th grade when I was deemed inacceptable by my peers parents and their children told not to associate with me.  No fault of my own, they didn’t like my father, but I knew about this event and it stuck with me.  So, yeah, maybe I can blame them.  And I do.

But, that was eons ago — and here I am, trying to figure ME out — what is right for me and what to do about it.  And how to do it without somebody else to tell me it is ok, that  I am ok.  I think probably the description of this is self acceptance and self awareness.

So……..I bought a journal.  

Haha! Yes, a journal — a dotted Moleskin hard backed journal in classic black.  I am going to use it to try to figure me out — mostly with ideas, goals, doodles, food, anything I can think of that is a challenge that makes me question myself.  

I want to be me.  I don’t want to be what somebody wants me to be.  I don’t want to have to scour the internet to find out how I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to think or how I am supposed to look.  I think I have just lost sight of me.  Again, self acceptance.  I have spent so many years trying to be acceptable (thanks grown up mothers of my childhood peers).  I want to be enough — for me.  I need to accept me at this age and — as I told my girl — be true to myself.  Why do I think somebody else knows what is best for me?  

So, I have been reading that journaling is very theraputic.  I want to draw — no talent but loads of desire — so maybe some doodling will go on.  I need to break the comfort food cycle (ok, I can blame my mother for that!) so journaling food is probably going to be part of it — I just need to break the internet scrolling cycle.  Maybe the blue light is getting to my brain.

So, anyway, sorry for the slight rant here - and bringing up things that I don’t ever really choose to talk about — and hopefully the journal will get here soon.  I would have gone out to buy one but you know — ice.  Ugh.  

Have I mentioned I hate winter.  Hate is a strong word — winter is a strong season.  


Kim said...

I totally understand how you feel. Same here. I hope your journaling helps you to find what YOU like, what YOU want. I'm better at that than I used to be, but sometimes I still struggle with it. People-pleasing can get in the way of so much. The inner critic, also. Noisy! 🙄😂

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Well said, Kim, well said. Hopefully the journaling will help. I am looking forward to it.

Granny Marigold said...

I think keeping a journal is a great idea and you'll find it helpful in figuring out what this stage of your life is going to be like. How YOU want it to be, not social pressure urging you to be a certain way. I think that as women we're very susceptible to feeling that pressure to 'conform'.

Granny Marigold said...

Oh shoot. I lost my comment. I just wanted to encourage you to journal and find some answers to anything troubling you. I think all women struggle with some of these issues.
I know I have in the past and even yet continue to do so.

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