Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday — 30 April — What Happened to April?

 Time is going by way too quickly.  For quite some time, since I broke my wrist, I have been very inactive and time still flew by - now that I am more active, it is going even more quickly.  It needs to slow down a bit.

So, what is going on here today? 

 It has been quiet.  I wanted to sleep in but I didn’t — I have changed my bedtime somewhat and I am sleeping better — really going back to my natural rhythm of going to bed and getting up rather than trying to manipulate it.  I think I wasn’t sleeping very well because I was going to bed too early,  I have always been a creature of habit and I always fell asleep about 9:30 -10 p.m. naturally and woke up about 6:30, naturally.  My mother never had to set a clock.  I have been fiddling with it, trying to go to bed earlier, trying to sleep later and I haven’t been feeling the best for it so now I am going back to paying attention to my natural habits.  

We ran one errand and Hubs cut the front yard.  His allergies are really starting to flare up so I am sure he will be a mess this evening considering the front yard is full of dandelions that are thriving.

I have been working on my cross stitch project and a finish is quite near.  

This is where I was this morning and I have worked on it off and on all day so it is getting close.  I am trying to decide how to wash it to get the gridding out — I am probably going to put it in a lingerie bag and use Woolite in the washer. If it unravels, I will just do it again! But, I have washed projects like that before and it has worked fine.

I have been giving some thought to the next project — I have so many and I am finding even more on blogs and Etsy.  I need to quit looking.  I think I will probably do the Mardi Gras mask - it looks like fun and it has some sparkly trim to add to it.  

I am a little worried about Trixie.  She is under the weather.  She didn’t eat last night and she hasn’t eaten all day.  She is just laying. Last month she had a rather bad UTI and she seemed fine after her course of antibiotics — I hope it hasn’t come back on her.  If she isn’t better tomorrow I guess we will visit the good doctor Jennifer on Monday.  We need to get her well because she really needs a visit to the groomer.  I will see if she perks up when the Hubs grills this meat we are having for dinner — it will let me know how she REALLY feels.

Tonight I have to get ready for church and it is Father Brown night!  I love weekends on our PBS channel. 

I am reading the 14th book in the Mitford Series by Jan Karon.  It is the most recent (published about 5 years ago) and I think probably the last in the series.  I bought it the minute it came out and I am just now getting around to reading it but, like all the others, it has drawn me in and I am having trouble putting it down.  I definitely recommend the series.

Well, that is about it for this cloudy, breezy Saturday.  Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and hopefully my next post will feature a finished project.


Granny Marigold said...

I hope Trixie will be okay. Losing her appetite isn't a good sign.
It's funny, I've tried watching Father Brown and I just couldn't get into it. I wanted to like it because there's not much on TV that I like.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi GM! Trixie seem to rally when she learned my husband grilled steak — her favorite thing in the whole world. She woke up right as rain this morning! I have been changing her diet some and I think that maybe she is more satisfied and just not as hungry. Have you tried watched “Pie in the Sky? It is another good one. I like Father Brown — it is pure silliness but entertainment I don’t have to think about so much!

New Decor — So Overwhelming!

 Feeling pretty good these days and we are in my absolute favorite season so I want to make the most of it and not waste a second of it so I...