Monday, May 02, 2022

It is Done

 I finished my little Ukrainian mitten this morning — at least I thought it was finished.  However, after washing it I discovered two stitches that weren’t completed — they are half stitches so to speak! So, I will be correcting that after it is dry.

I washed it in a lingerie bag with Woolite trying to create the most gentle, safest environment to do this step.  It turned out great and, as soon as I correct the two stitches, I will iron it and plan on a finish.

I have ordered some mounting supplies — some acid free archival tapes and I have a large sheet of 3/8 inch foam core to do my mounting on.  I am not going to use batting because I am looking to put it behind glass with a mat.  It will probably go in an 8 X 10 frame with a mat.  I would go seek out a frame today but Hubs cut the grass with the copious amount of dandelions and his allergies are alive and well so I am not going to suggest going looking for frames.  

So, here are the photos—

The finished piece after washing — I was very pleased to see that the gridding came out beautifully.  I have hung it to dry so I will see if any of the marks reappear.  I hope it doesn’t because I really did enjoy the process and the fact that it made following the pattern so much easier.

The finished piece before washing.  

So, I guess the next thing is to climb the stair and look at the next project.  I think it is going to be the Mardi Gras mask!


Pom Pom said...

Hi BB! I love your mitten! Beautiful!

Granny Marigold said...

It's done and looks great!!

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Pommy! Thank you! It is a pattern by a Ukrainian cross stitch designer who is currently in a rather nasty situation in her home country. She offered this up as a freebie and I jumped on it — love the colors and the symbolism and will make it my FB photo soon. It was fun and fast to do. Please pray for her, Olena, and her country.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi, GM! Thank you! I was afraid the blue of the mitten would wash out on the blue of the background but I think it worked out ok. Lesson to self — buy more fabric!

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