Wednesday, May 04, 2022

A New Start

 As I have mentioned before, when I travel I have certain souvenirs I like to buy.  I try to find a cute Christmas ornament, a book about the area and a cross stitch project.  A couple of years ago when we went to New Orleans I bought two cross stitch projects — the St. Louis Cathedral that I finished recently and a Mardi Gras mask.  They had a mask pattern honoring my husbands university but, unfortunately, they were out of the pattern so I opted for another instead.

That mask pattern is my new start — trying to play catch up before I start the two I have just purchased in Williamsburg.

Hard to tell from the photo but this is done is lovely shades of purple, blue, chartreuse and gold.  The threads they recommend are speciality threads and lots of metallics and I don’t enjoy working with those so I am going to use just regular DMC threads that I chose the colors.

It won’t be as flashy as the recommended threads but I don’t want it to be too frustrating either and those speciality threads can pose issues if not done correctly.  I am jumping back into cross stitch as a way to relax and, ahem, get off the computer (FB) so much so I don’t need it to be an ordeal.  Hopefully as time goes on I will want to work with the fancy things but not so much right now.

I am using just plain white Aida 14 because that is what I can see the easiest. 

I can’t show you a photo of the pattern due to copyright issues but I will say that I took the time this weekend to learn to download the pattern into Dropbox/GoodNotes and I intend to stitch this one from my iPad rather than juggling a paper pattern, a magnet board, highlighters, etc.  I am looking for a way to reduce the stitching “clutter” if you will so I can more easily stitch in front of the tv — I am so lazy.

I figured I would try this new approach on this small pattern first.  Once in GoodNotes you can use their art/writing tools to mark the digital pattern as you go and that way you keep your original copy pristine.  Now, this all sounds wonderful in theory and I have read many group chats and blogs that swear by it — I will let you know as I carry on.  Actually, if it works as it should, I think it will be marvelous for small projects — not real sure about these multi page projects but I am taking it one step at a time.

In reading news I am still working on the Jan Karon book and it is keeping me busy — I have always really enjoyed her books.  My cousin is reading a spooky title right now — can’t remember the name — and it looks really good but I read in bed before I go to sleep so not sure it is a good choice but I might give it a go for a daytime/car read.

Today is Trixie’s spa day — I try to take her once a month because she gets to be a matted mess if she isn’t kept short haired.  The last time they didn’t trim her ears enough and now they are tangled so we are going to have to have a chat about that.  I managed to overbook the afternoon and have about a 30 minute window of time to get the Bean from school, get the dog from the groomer, get the Bean to an afternoon activity and get home to cook.  One of those things might not happen.  Can you guess which one?  

So, since I am going to have to take Bean a snack on our little fast-paced adventure this afternoon and I am out of store bought cookies I am off to bake a pan of brownies.  Yes, a boxed mix which I don’t like as well as my homemade ones using the recipe off the cocoa can but, as you can see, I am a bit time challenged today — something happens to me when I don’t turn on the tv first thing in the morning — it is like time stops for me — that is usually a good thing but not always.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, stay safe and well and come back to visit soon.


Granny Marigold said...

My guys seem to like the boxed Brownies as much if not more than my brownies-from-scratch.
That mask should be fun to cross stitch and really pretty even without the metallic threads.

Boyett-Brinkley said...

Hi Granny! Yeah the Bean is not particular — if it chocolate and has no nuts she is good to go. I have started on the mask and I like the blue I have chosen which is really more turquoise. I am liking stitching with gridding so far. AND……I am really hoping that using the iPad for my pattern works well because it is certainly easier to see. My lighting in any room isn’t great and while I do have an LED magnifying light to use it is not as relaxing so I am hoping that using the iPad where I can adjust the size is going to really help with the reading. Fingers crossed!

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